One of the most important identification elements we have are the surnames that appear on our birth certificatewhich, in addition to serving us for this purpose, have a large amount of information about our ancestors.
This is how, let you know, there are different surnames that people have in the Mexican national territory. coming from European countriesmore specifically Spain, due to the history that unites these two nations.
Under this understanding, the following are the “very good” surnames that, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), have people in Mexico and who have a European origin:
It should be said that by naming the previous surnames as “good” we are referring to the meaning that these words have in the Spanish language.
We will have to remember, for its part, that it was a while ago when the government of Spain published a list with dozens of surnames originating from the territory of the country on the European continent.
What stands out most about the vast majority of that list of surnames is, on the one hand, that many of them are hundreds of years old, and, on the other hand, that many are also quite popular in Latin America.
And the reason why thousands of European surnames can be found on the American continent dates back to the history that unites the two continents for centuriesafter the conquerors arrived in this part of the world.
It is in this way that, added to their culture and language, the Spanish, mainly, left many of their surnames in Latin America, which, in turn, derive from the members of the nobility of that time.
To finish, we leave you the list of some of the most common Spanish surnames in Mexico:
*A: Abraham, Acevedo, Acosta, Aguado, Aguiar, Aguilar, Alarcón, Alba, Aldana, Alcalá, Alegre, Alfonso, Alfaro, Almeida, Alonso, Álvarez, Amigo, Amado, Amaya, Aranda.
*B: Baltasar, Báez, Barral, Barrios, Beato, Benavente, Benítez, Bernal, Bravo, Bueno, Bermejo.
*C: Cabrera, Calvo, Camacho, Campo, Cantos, Carrasco, Carrillo, Carvajal, Castellanos.
*D: Delgado, Diego, Díez, Díaz, Duque, Domínguez, Durán, Dorado, Duarte.
*E: Enrique, Enríquez, Espejo, Esperanza, Espinosa, Escudero, Esteban.
*F: Fajardo, Fernández, Ferrer, Ferrero, Figueroa, Flores, Fuentes, Fuertes.
*G: Gálvez, García, Gato, Garzón, Gil, Gimeno, Giménez, Gómez, Granado, González, Gutiérrez.
*H: Haro, Henríquez, Hernández, Heredia, Holgado, Herrera, Huerta, Hurtado.
*I: Ibáñez, Israel, Izquierdo.
*J: Jaén, Jiménez, Jimeno, Jorge, Juárez, Julián, Lázaro.
*L: Leal, Lara, Larios, Leiva, León, Lima, Linares, Lobato, Lobo, López, Lorca, Lorenzo.
*M: Madrid, Madrigal, Macías, Machado, Manuel, Márquez, Marchena, Marcos, Martínez, Marín.
*N: Nájera, Navarro, Navas, Nieto, Núñez.
*Or: Ocampo, Ochoa, Olivos, Olmos, Oliva, Ordóñez, Olivares, Orellana, Ortega, Ortiz.
*P: Pacheco, Padilla, Palma, Palomino, Pardo, Paredes, Pareja, Parra, Paz, Pascual, Pedraza, Peña, Pérez.
*Q: Quirós, Quemada.
*A: Ramírez, Ramos, Real, Rey, Reina, Ribera, Ricardo, Rivero, Robles, Roca, Rivas, Rodríguez, Ruiz, Salgado.
*S: Salinas, Salas, Salazar, Salcedo, Salvador, Sánchez, Sancho, Serra, Serrano, Sierra, Silva.
*T: Talavera, Toledo, Torre, Torres, Trigo, Úbeda, Uría.
*U: Urrutia.
*V: Valero, Valle, Vara, Varela, Vargas, Vázquez, Vega, Velázquez, Vera, Vergara, Villanueva, Vidal.
*Z: Zalazar, Zaragoza, Zúñiga.
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