In search of the best offers for the basic basketa recent monitoring in Michoacan revealed significant differences in prices between different locations. From the municipality of Moreliawhere you can purchase the basic basket from 936 pesosto other places where costs exceed a thousand pesos, variations are evident that directly impact the pockets of Michoacan families.
According to data collected by the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco), the highest price found in Michoacán was 1,228 pesos at Walmart in ZamoraMeanwhile he lowest price was located in Morelia, with a cost of 936 pesos at the La Feria market.
This disparity, of almost 300 pesos between the highest and lowest cost, underscores the importance of families in Michoacán being aware of what the place where they sell the cheapest basic basket.
Price of the basic basket in Michoacán
In ZamoraFor example, him cost lowest of the basic basket was one thousand 28 pesos, while in Morelia the The highest price was found in Merza, reaching 1,196 pesos.
Zitácuaro was another municipality that stood out for having a basic basket with a cost of less than a thousand pesos, Prices ranged between 980 pesos, the lowest, and 1,264 pesos, both in the municipal market.
The basic basket in Lazaro Cardenas, With the lowest price it was identified in the municipal market with 1,223 pesos, while at Walmart it has a cost of 1,263 pesos.
The prices that could be observed in Apatzingán were: 1,101 pesos as the lowest in the municipal market and the highest in Aurrera with 1,163 pesos.
The revelation of these data was carried out in a press conference headed by Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, by Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Sedeco, Yunuén Mejía Béjar.
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