Helldivers 2 is the protagonist of a video Of gameplay captured by IGN on PC, at 4K and 60 fps, which includes approximately eighteen minutes of spectacular in-game action for the shooter from Arrowhead Games Studios.
Best PlayStation launch ever on Steam with 82,000 players, Helldivers 2 is grinding out impressive numbers and the opinions towards the game have so far been substantially positive, despite some technical problems.
In the video it is possible to observe various sequences three-player cooperativeappreciate the solidity of the gunplay and the variety of enemies available: fundamental aspects in a successful shooter.
When do the reviews arrive?
As often happens with productions focused on online, you will have to wait a few days to see the premieres Helldivers 2 reviews: time to ensure that the press can sufficiently experience the game in a real situation, with the servers open.
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