Among the therapies that are being investigated to treat erectile dysfunction, a team of US scientists., Japan and China have gone a little further than the current lines of work and have presented an implant of 3D printed Peno.
In a study that is published in the magazine ‘Nature Biomedical Engineering’ Scientists say that their 3D penis is able to restore sexual function into animals, even with reproductive capacity.
In the study, the researchers coordinated by Xuetao Shi, from the Technological University of South China, in Guangzhou, used a 3D -printed gel implant to repair damaged penile tissue in pigs and rabbits. The treated animals were able to mate and reproduce successfully, opening the door to possible functional replacements for penises and other organs with complex blood vessels.
This technology could lead to more effective functional replacements for penises and other organs rich in blood vessels, the researchers affirm.
The penis is a complex organdue to the intricate network of blood vessels and tissues necessary for congestion. Historically, scientists have had difficulty creating laboratory models that can precisely replicate organs of rich organs in blood vessels such as the penis, but researchers claim to have taken a big step forward with their last work.
The team recreated the model of the head and the cavernous body of the penis, replicating the vascular structures that allow erection.
Sexual relations
In addition, they printed a scaffold of gel modeling from the spongy body, designed to withstand the enhancement of the penis during sexual intercourse. These implants were transplanted to rabbits and pigs with the partially damaged spongy body.
To improve the efficacy of implants, some were sown with endothelial cells (cells that cover blood vessels), with the aim of improving tissue regeneration.
The results were positive: animals with implants They showed a remarkable improvement in erectile function and tissue regenerationreaching a reproductive capacity of 100%.
Although the data are promising, researchers emphasize that more research is still required to adapt these implants to humans with more serious damage. However, this advance could be key to developing 3D printed functional organs, not only for erectile dysfunction, but for other organs rich in blood vessels.
Human penis transplants
This method could be used instead of human penis transplants, which have only been made in a small number of occasions and face various problems related to immune rejection and the recovery of sensation and Complete erectile function.
“Future research could explore design strategies aimed at inducing nerve regeneration and incorporating artificial blood vessels and urethral structures within the implants,” the researchers wrote. “These approaches could help overcome current obstacles in the repair of large -scale penian lesions,” they conclude.
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