THE’“Citizen’s file” application it’s amobile app developed by the Municipality of Milan, with the aim of give citizens direct and simple access to municipal services among which the section “mobility” where it is possible to manage access to the ZTL. This project is part of a digital strategy aimed at simplifying the relationship between citizens and the municipal administration, in order to speed up the management of the various administrative processes without the need to go to the offices in person.
Citizen’s file app, features
THE main services of the Citizen’s File App are the following:
- Access to public services: with the application citizens can access various municipal services such as the payment of taxes (TARI, IMU, etc.), mobility management (license plates, Milan ZTL permits, infringements, etc.) the verification of personal data, and other administrative information.
- Personal notifications: The app provides notifications on important deadlines, such as tax payments and document updates, helping citizens stay on top of bureaucratic tasks.
- Document transfer: it is possible to view and download the official documents issued by the Municipality, such as residence certificates, etc.
- Digital identity: to access the application, citizens can use the SPID system (Public Digital Identity System), which guarantees safe and secure access to their data.
- User-friendly interface: this app has been specially designed with the aim of facilitating its use, even for those who are not very familiar with digital technologies, thanks to a clear and intuitive interface.
- Continuously updated services: The Municipality of Milan is working to expand the range of services available, through this app to cover more and more aspects of citizens’ lives.
Citizen’s File App, how it works
The Citizen’s File application of the Municipality of Milan acts as a mobile portal, which allows citizens to access and manage the Municipality’s data and services in a simple and secure way. Here’s how it works:
- Download and install the app. The latter is available for download on mobile platforms, such as Play Store (for Android) and Apple App Store (for iOS). After downloading and finally installing it on the smartphone or tablet, the user can open the application.
- Authenticate via SPID: to access your data you need to authenticate via SPID (Digital Public Identity System). To be honest, SPID is a system that allows citizens to securely access publicly managed internet services. If you do not have a SPID, you must activate it via one of the active providers (e.g. Poste Italiane, Aruba, Sielte, etc.).

- Personal dashboard: following authentication, the user accesses the personal dashboard which collects all the basic information, for example personal data (residence, marital status, family structure); active services (taxes, ongoing requests, permits, taxes, etc.); documents (certificates, receipts, notifications, etc.).

In summary, by accessing via SPIDusers will have access to their file. It is a safe and secure application, where you can control your personal and family group information; deadlines (e.g. ID); information regarding parking passes for cars; book an appointment at the municipal offices; check cadastral data; request a change of residence etc.
Reports and requests can be sent in the “Write” section.
The Municipality of Milan
The councillor Roberta Cocco of the Municipality of Milan, declared:
“The Milan Digital week is the ideal stage to present the flagship project of 2020 to the Milanese. From today the Municipality’s services arrive on citizens’ smartphones. After a long process of design, experimentation and direct involvement of testers. Thanks to the feedback received we were able to improve the final product which is now available in stores. This, of course, is the starting point. Development will continue to allow citizens to find more and more features and get what they need. Information, certificates, reservations. From the comfort of home, without the need to go to the registry office”.
Objectives of the App
The main objectives of the app in question are the following:
- Simplification of bureaucracy: reduction of time when administrative procedures must be completed.
- Accessibility: provide digital services accessible to all citizens, including those with mobility problems or who live far from urban centres.
- Innovation: part of a broader smart city plan, which aims to improve citizens’ experience and make Milan a technological and sustainable city.
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