Yubisaki to Renren is an anime installment that was adapted by Ajia-do Animation Works (Kakushigoto, Revenger). The series premiered in the winter season of 2024 and its twelve episodes received one of the best receptions. If you have doubts about where to read the manga from after the end of the first season of the anime, here I tell you the information you need.
Yubisaki to Renren is a manga work that is published in Kodansha's Dessert magazine. Suu Morishita is the one who writes and illustrates the inclusive shojo that has stolen the hearts of the world in 2024. I present details about it below.
Yubisaki to Renren: The most valuable shojo of 2024
Yubisaki to Renren: What type of anime is it?
Yubisaki to Renren It is a story that is located in the shojo and romance genre. However, it is not what we usually expect from this type of deliveries and in several aspects. To begin with, the protagonists are students, but not in high school or middle school, but in college, so they will not have to mature in themselves, their perspective and way of relating romantically. But rather, The way in which affections are structured and managed is traced with bases of security, trust and clarity.
In this way, yes, The series ends up being a bit didactic, in the sense that a model is exemplified: how is it that people should express and build your affections to have healthy relationships; and although it all sounds very pure and beautiful, it is also quite idealistic; although, in any case, the purity of the idea proposed is quite pleasant. At the end of the day, it is a couple that forges their affections in an adorable way, with conviction and clarity.
We must seek to balance situations, and remain transparent with ourselves and with others, and this implies expressing ourselves without fear and with respect, at the same time recognizing the limits of the demands that we can make—both from ourselves and from our partner.
Communication is the essence of the series, and this is very interesting if we take into account that Yuki, the protagonist, is deaf and mute. Thus, Yubisaki to Renren declares an absolute criticism of the myth of communication. Not to the idea that it is the basis of love, but to the possibility that it can be assertive through mere conviction and through different mechanisms.
As I mentioned before, the couple does not deal as such with recognizing their feelings, or even with expressing them due to fear of rejection; rather, The protagonists face questions that go beyond themselves, because their individuality must adapt to the world, where are their goals directed and how can they be built to coincide with the person they love? That beauty!
Besides, Unrequited feelings and surrounding friendships are also negotiated, but all in a healthy way and without falling into extreme selfishness.
Of course, the most important point is the aspect of communication, which is often said to be the basis and strength of relationships. In the story, an interesting criticism is directly put on the table. However, the purity of Yubisaki to Renren It will make us realize that communication goes beyond words.
Yubisaki to Renren: How many chapters does the manga have? Where to read from now that the first season of the anime is over?
Currently, the manga Yubisaki to Renren brings together just over 40 chapters compiled in 10 manga volumes.
The first season of the anime was directed by Ajia-do Animation Works and dazzled with a palette of pastel colors and delicate lines. The twelve chapters were released from January 6, 2024 to March 23, 2024 and adapted half of the printed work for this time.
So, if you want to continue reading Itsuomi and Yuki's story, you must go directly to chapter number 22 of the manga, since the anime managed to give life until chapter 21. Although, yes, I recommend reading from chapter 21 onwards so that you review the ending, since there were details that could be important enough.
Now, a little spoiler, and the coming of conflicts.
In chapter 22, among the changes that I mentioned, we can see Emma trying to make direct contact with Itsuomi and we also get a glimpse of Ouishi who realizes what is happening and begins to put together stories in his head.
So, the perfect ending wasn't so perfect and a new arc begins for the characters.
Cheer up, in chapter 42 details could be given about what the protagonist's tattoo means, do you want to know? Start reading the manga! Remember that Panini editions has the distribution, edition and translation seal of the numbers, so you can find the work printed with them, Chek out here.
Currently, the volumes cost 159 MXN. The first one was sold out and the third one has pre-sale.
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Yubisaki to Renren: Where to watch the anime?
Yubisaki to Renren It is available on the Crunchyroll platform, you can see it here.
Just remember that its name in English is A Sign of Affection and the platform chose that title for its search, so remember to use this meaning if you see the series there.
Yubisaki to Renren: When is the second season coming out?
Yubisaki to Renren It ended with a delivery of twelve episodes and adapted half of the manga chapters. A second season has not yet been confirmed, however, for this to be possible, it is likely that the original format will have to advance further than the current one, since if it were adapted right now, the entire installment would practically be devoured. And we know that that's kind of taboo in animation, because of the implications of this.
So, we probably won't hear about a second season as soon as we'd like.
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