It becomes common to us, and sometimes, so devalued, that all Mexicans and Mexicanslet’s have right to vote. It hasn’t always been like this. He Universal suffrage has relatively little, established in ancient Greece, with Cleisthenes of Athens, considered the father of democracythere the vote It was not exercised by “all” citizens, but rather those who had the right to do so. Women, slaves and children did not do it. Humanity first got rid of slavery, but literally thousands of years passed before that Greek polis, which between 508 and 507 BC established the voting rightto New Zealand, on September 19, 1893, recognizing women’s vote, being the first country in the world to do so.
In Mexicoit was until October 17, 1953when it published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) a decree that allowed the women could vote and be voted for, which opened the door for them to exercise this right for the first time in the elections for federal deputies in 1955. But it was not easy. Many great social fighters made a great effort to achieve this. Today there is more participation of women in the policythere are senators, deputies, governors, municipal presidents, councilors, and by some surveys, two of the women who participate lead the voting intention, with this, there is a high probability that Let’s have the first woman to lead the country as President of Mexico. It is not my intention to request that you vote for one of the candidates, since a man is also participating in the race.
Today my reflection is focused on inviting every person read to me to exercise this right what we have. Suffrage, that is, the right to vote also entails the right to be voted for. The struggle of the idealists who fought for democracy, in which we can all elect our rulers, has given results. Today we enjoy this right without restriction. This June 2nd we have the opportunity to participate in the largest electoral process in the history of our country. Don’t waste the opportunity. When you arrive at the box, only you will be found with the ballot, there is no one else. You will decide who to vote for. It is a right and you should not be influenced by anyone other than the dictates of your conscience. By voting you will elect the President of the Republic, the Senator who will represent your state, the Federal Representative of your district, in some states, you will additionally elect the Governor, the local deputies, and the municipal presidents. There are many positions at stake. There are many representatives of you to be elected. Hopefully you decide to go vote and choose one of the people who will appear on your ballot to represent you. I would love to say that more than a right it is an obligation, but Mexico is a country where not voting has no legal consequences. I hope that one day that will change too.
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