The man confessed the motive for the crime: that's why he killed his wife in front of their daughter
He broke down in tears in front of the investigators and revealed the motive. The husband of young mother died in Rome before the eyes of her 5-year-old daughter, confessed to the crime. The Prosecutor's Office is still investigating and has also ordered investigations into the two roommates who lived with the couple.
Yu Yanga 36-year-old of Chinese origins, broke his wife's life Li Xuemei, 37 years old, with a stab wound to the abdomen. It happened in an apartment in the Quadraro neighborhood of Rome. After the crime, he fled. The investigators have it captured and arrested on the street, a few hundred meters from the family home.
The dramatic scene unfolded before the frightened eyes of their 5-year-old daughter. The minor has sought helpknocking on the door of the two roommates, also of Chinese origins: “Mom doesn't move anymore”. The two students themselves came down the stairs screaming for help. One of the neighbors, alarmed by the cries, has called 112.

The young mother was lying in bed in her room
When the police and rescuers arrived on site, they found themselves faced with a dramatic scene. The young mother was now deceased, she was lying on his bed, on a pool of blood. The husband was interrogated and confessed to motive for the crime. His words:
I killed her because I was jealous and I didn't want her to leave me.

A jealousy that would seem to have arisen because of Li Xuemei's work, was one masseuse. The two tenants lived in a sublet room and their whereabouts are now being investigated by the police. The neighbors said that they had them often recently hear yourself arguinghowever they never understood the reasons, they spoke in Chinese.
The little girl was taken into custody and entrusted to social services. It is unclear whether there are other relatives who can look after her.
#Young #mother #killed #front #5yearold #daughter #father #confessed #because..