Last July 24th, he fell ill in the swimming pool, then was admitted to intensive care: Matteo di Maio died after a week of agony
He did not make it Matthew DiMaiothe young man of just 30 years old from San Donato Milanese, who last July 24 was rescued in a local swimming pool and rushed to the Policlinico. For a week the doctors tried in every way to make him recover, but yesterday they had to give up and give the tragic news to his family. Heartbreaking is the post by his father Alessandro, who on social media said goodbye to his son forever.
Another one tragedy in the swimming poolwhich this time cost the life of a boy of just 30 years old, Matteo Di Maio, occurred last Wednesday 24 July in the municipal building located in via Parri in San Donato Milanese.

Matteo, with some walking problems but still independent, had decided to spend a day at the pool alone. According to what was reported by The dayit seems that the young man was in the tub with the slides and that while he was bathing he suffered a sickness. The facility’s rescue personnel proceeded to extract the young man from the water and, realizing his condition, immediately began the first resuscitation maneuvers. Using a semi-automatic defibrillator.
THE 118 health workerswho arrived as soon as possible on the scene, then picked up Matteo and rushed him to the Policlinico of San Donato. During the journey they continued the resuscitation maneuvers and the 30-year-old’s heart had started beating again, even though his conditions appeared critical from the very beginning and remained critical thereafter.

For a week the hospital doctors tried in every way to cure him, but Di Maio never left the intensive care unit. Yesterday, for the most tragic of epiloguesthe father Alessandro published a post on social media in which he announced that his Matteo did not make it: “You were a top son”.
The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office has ordered the autopsy on the body of the 30 year old and defibrillators seized used to resuscitate the young man. The aim is to clarify the dynamics and causes of this tragedy.
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