May-Turner occurs when an artery presses on a vein, causing a blood clot in the leg that travels to the heart.
About one in five women suffer from May-Thurner syndrome, which can cause swelling or fullness in the legs or open sores in the legs due to problems with veins that do not heal.
“Just sitting for one hour without standing up to stretch your legs is enough to increase your risk of developing a blood clot,” said Bethany Barron Gibbs, a cardiologist at West Virginia University.
May Thorner syndrome is more common in women, especially those who have given birth to children.
Pregnancy and childbirth involve significant hormonal changes, including increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which may affect the elasticity of blood vessels and may contribute to compression of the veins.
The exact cause of this disorder is still under investigation, but studies indicate that sitting for long periods plays an important role.
#sit #long #time…beware #deadly #Thorner