Real -time location comes to public transport in Madrid for the first time, through Google Maps. The Municipal Transport Company of Madrid (EMT) has already begun to send the position of its vehicles in real time through the GTFS-RT standard “with the aim of continuing to advance in the digitalization of Madrid public transport”, according to the portal of the Madrid City Council.
Follow the bus in real time
In this way, users who want to make a public transport journey You can see the location of buses in real time on the mapas well as the estimated time of arrival in your area of influence. The information is available for all the lines of the municipal company.
Until now, Google Maps had static line information, which was fed daily to perform the travel planning function in its tool. Now, the implementation of the RT standard, Real Timeimplies the constant supply of the real situation and location of the entire fleet that, combined with The standard information and with the calculation of its algorithm, allows predicting the arrival time of the bus to the stop.
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