The Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has set aside the possible application of the Income Tax (IRPF) in the amount that will raise the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) this year: 50 euros per month, which implies 700 euros a year in … 14 pays. Díaz has limited himself to remembering that “50 euros per month matter” For a worker who charges it, up to 1,184 euros per month. “This is a magnificent tool against inequality and poverty,” said the second vice president in the act of rubric of the agreement between the Government and the UGT and CC.O.
After formalizing this agreement, the final text will pass this Tuesday through the table of the Council of Ministers, where it will be validated without having to go through the Congress of Deputies. Now, all eyes are directed towards the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, on whom it depends on whether the more than two million beneficiaries will be forced by this measure to be taxed for the 700 euros per year of increase.
For now, the Treasury maintains absolute mutism about the possibility of applying this taxation to the increase in the minimum wage. Although in a short term it must announce what their position is for companies to know what to expect with the withholdings of the workers who are going to raise their salary with the rise of the SMI that the Council of Ministers will ratify this Tuesday.
It will be the department led by Minister María Jesús Montero who has to decide whether to apply a taxation that would leave the SMI increase in about 400 euros per year, or 28 euros per month. Because if this fiscal measure is approved, workers will have to pay tax Tax analysts.
Both Díaz and the union leaders have congratulated themselves for this agreement and recalled that although the SMI has risen more than 50% in the last six years, “no job has been destroyed,” as the vice president has insisted second. “This measure reduces the imbalance,” he said, and has involved a generalized increase in salaries throughout Spain thanks to the tractor effect that this measure has had on the Spanish economy.
Díaz has congratulated himself because the employer “has returned to the fold of social dialogue”, after having participated in the SMI negotiations, although they have finally fallen from the agreement. Ceoe and Cepyme asked, at most, a 3% rise, compared to 4.4% that has been agreed.
For his part, the Secretary General of UGT, Pepe Álvarez, has insisted that if the employer does not want the legislation to interfere with the social dialog If the employer does not want the law to put the batteries with collective bargaining ».
#Yolanda #Díaz #Obvia #Hacienda #force #SMI #sign #agreement #unions