That is the question that emerges from the philosopher’s prologueFernando Savater At the round table, animal welfare, organized by the Men and animals platform in its placeand held at the Madrid Athenaeum this 5 of … March.
Savater recalled that domestic animals are a human creation in the thread of the centuries. These, in addition, breeding and farm animals, have gradually disappeared from our direct environment, and as we have moved away from them to get away from the field, we now tend to sacralize the animal itself, putting it at our level or lowering ourselves to yours. The Greeks and the Romans, insists the philosopher, have taught us that barbarism consists of confusing each other, and that it leads to the madness of a Caligula giving its horse the dignity of Senator. We must adapt the requirement of well -being to the condition of each animal, and not think that we favor it, as some do with pets, making them forced slaves of our ways of life and even disguising them as people. The first welfare we owe them is the respect of their animality leaving them the place that corresponds to them to us.
Carmen Chacón del Pueyoeconomist, livestock of retintas cows and manager of Coto, lives in their meats the overweight of the bureaucracy with an amount of excessive regulations, dictated by urbanites that do not know the realities of the field, and of the conditions of the welfare of the animals raised there. This ignorance, which has marked the law, often turns against farmers and farmers, and extends the space of emptying Spain, also emptied by hunters, also tired of so many regulations that prevent them from assuming their mission for the ecological balance of wildlife.
It is little to say, according to Lucia MartínExecutive Director of the Royal Union of Bull Builders of Lidia, that the Administration, particularly from Brussels, ignores the nature of brave cattle when, for example, its rules impose that during their transport animals are released every five hours. That reflects, once again, the disconnection of the city with the rural world, a rural world, however, which is awakening. Proof of this, in the bullfighting field, the strength of the popular celebrations, which resist any political ideology, and in which there is a growing participation of young people, as well as in the runs. As for bullfighting, Lucía Martín tells us, the story should be designed again taking into account reality. Almost all look at the last ten minutes of the fight and leave aside the four years and more, during which this brave cattle is raised in exceptional environmental conditions – “A 5 stars hotel!” The director concludes with the idea that their well -being cannot be achieved if each of the animals is not contextualized, and with that encouraging message for all components of the rural world: you have to go out and explain to society!
Paula Martínez RosVeterinary professor at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, dares suddenly defining animal welfare: it occurs when it is free of thirst, hunger, heat, cold, and unnecessary pain; when this freedom allows you to express the behavior of your species. In the ten thousand shows from Bous to the Carrer of the province of Valencia, the bull is free to develop the natural instinct of its rush. In the bullfights also the Bravo bull lives and dies according to its nature, undertaking until the end. If not, let’s look at what happens in the open field of the pasture, where the animal has the option of not responding to the cites, of not repeating the onslaught when it has been chopped, and fleeing, which makes very rarely. Errors on this concept of well -being, are explained by the fact of confusing animal welfare with social welfare, linked to people’s habits.
For its part, Albert Ituren OliverProfessor in the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law of the University of Valencia, criticizes the way in which he has legislated on animal welfare, noting that “all evil and starting with the roof” has been done, which has led to the intervention of the Constitutional Court to annul parts of the legislation. It points to the lack of experience of legislators and the influence of ideologies in the creation of these norms. He claims a state law of animal welfare that is compatible with the regional regulations, avoiding contradictions in that cumulative disorder, and collecting the visions and concerns of the rural world. Many established norms reveal ignorance of their consequences for animals, such as the prohibition of leads in hunting that will make many prey die more slowly from their wounds.
The conclusions of this round table have been clear: all civilized humans share the concern for animal welfare, but the interpretations of this are very diverse depending on the environment and the types of animals with which they relate. Many are based on the ignorance of the reality of these contexts, particularly in the field. It corresponds to those who live in him, or close to him, the obligation to improve his story and transmit it.
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