Almost 10,000 kilometers. This is the distance that separates the capitals of China and Spain. Two very different countries, but united by an ancient relationship. “We are very far away on the map, but we feel very close,” he said. Yao Jing, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Spain at the ‘Vocento Forum: Spain-China, a new horizon of cultural exchange’promoted by the Cátedra China Foundation in collaboration with China Three Gorges Europe (CTGE).
2,000 years ago, the culture of the Asian country expanded throughout the Old Continent through the Silk Road; Now it wants to deploy again. «We want to enter the european market and Spain is the best gateway to do so. Although these are not easy times due to geopolitics,” explained the ambassador at the Vocento headquarters in Madrid, where he was received by Ignacio Ybarra, president of Vocento; Ignacio Herrero, CEO of CTGE, and Marcelo Muñoz, president of the Cátedra China Foundationwho has just returned from Beijing to receive the title of Ambassador of Friendship with the Chinese People. “We have to work as one nation, thanks to collaboration we will be able to face and overcome the challenges that arise every day,” he commented.
«We would like Spanish citizens to come more to learn about our culture and our cities»
Despite all the geopolitical noise, exchanges – assures the Chinese ambassador in Spain – are constant between both countries. «Every year, more citizens of my country visit Spain. AND We would like more Spaniards to visit us» Yao Jing commented with a laugh.
The visa exemption for Spanish tourists to China has boosted travel to the large towns of the Asian country. A starting point to which new tourist packages and greater proximity to tour operators will be added in the coming days. But Yao Jing wants to go further: «I am working so that the relationship between both countries be person to person and closer,” he announced at the Vocento Forum.
A collaboration that, according to their plans, involves strengthening ties through culture. «We are not so different countries. You Spaniards are very passionate and we are too. In addition, we share many values, such as family and friendship,” he said.
In this sense, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Spain assured that the good commercial and economic relations between Beijing and Madrid It will favor cultural exchange between both countries. «Did you know that the Shanghai subway is full of construction works? Prado Museum?”, asked. “Well, they’re digital,” he then joked. “We would like, of course, for the originals to come.”

A door that has actually already been opened between both countries; In fact, the works of the Prado Museum have already traveled those almost 10,000 kilometers of distance. In April, three works by El Greco, four by Velázquez, six by Rubens and eight by Goya traveled to China so that the citizens of the Asian country could learn about the social and political evolution of Spain for more than four hundred years, since the reign of Charles V. until the beginning of the 20th century. “We also want it to be reciprocal,” he said.
In recent months, the Embassy, together with numerous organizations, have held nearly 300 events “to publicize China and encourage people to visit us.”
Strong relationships
Last year, Spain and China celebrated fifty years of establishing diplomatic relations, not without surprises. «Spain is part of the European Union and we have to solve some problems,” acknowledged the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Spain at the Vocento Forum. “We appreciate President Sánchez’s recent visit to our country to defend the openness and inclusiveness of the Spanish and European economy,” he stressed.
«Spanish businessmen do not have to worry about tariffs, we will not open a tariff war»
However, the latest decisions taken from the heart of the European Union on the electric car industry in China with the imposition of tariffs on the production of these vehicles have opened a front between Europe and China. «Spanish businessmen have nothing to worry about. The European Union has to be understandingbut we are not going to start a tariff war,” Yao Jing advanced. «It is a temporary development and Spain continues to be an attractive country for us. There are even some businessmen already closing agreements with local partners beyond Madrid.
The great growth of bilateral economic and trade relations in recent years makes China a key economic partner for Spain, the main one in Asia. In 2023, China positioned itself as Spain’s second supplier in the world (the first outside the EU). “Bilateral relations are positive,” he highlighted. Now, he said, all that remains is to strengthen the culture and promote the Spanish language in China: “The opening of the new Cervantes Institute in Shanghai and events like this forum.
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