Wyoming began on Monday his monologue from The intermediate With an issue in which, according to himself, he has great experience: beauty. “Being handsome is very hardI have come to think that, if I was born again, I would prefer to be ugly, “said the presenter.
“We all aspire to beauty, the problem is that The beauty canon changes over time. In the nineteenth century, the most beautiful women were the most pale and to conserve white skin they did crazy things like drinking vinegar, “said Madrid.
But In the twentieth century, the trend turned around: “What was carried then was the churrasco skin, the more brown, the better. Being pale was not a symptom of beauty, but of having a foot in the grave.”
“What is beautiful at one time, in another it ceases to be, for that It should not be obsessed with the physicistsomething that, unfortunately, on the Instagram era, is something difficult, “he said.
And he added that “the pressure of social networks and Influencers for imposing a certain beauty canon has led many people to undergo cosmetic surgery operations“
“The data is scandalous. More than 47% of citizens, almost half of the Spaniards, have resorted to aesthetic treatments. And not only frequent ones such as Botox or capillary implants, “he said.
“Also of things as rare as bleaching or buttock implants. The worst of all is that People who undergo this type of treatments are getting younger“said the presenter.
The sixth program driver warned that “The average age of aesthetic surgery users has dropped from 35 to 20 years. We all aspire to beauty, and we all have the right to look good. “
“Based so much with the physicist with only 20 years It has no positive consequenceWell, yes, for the pocket of the owners of aesthetic clinics, “said Wyoming.
The presenter concluded the monologue by launching a message to his younger spectators: “kids! You are already handsome. It is not necessary to retouch, just a little security and self -esteem. Complaints like you are. “
#Wyoming #criticizes #Intermediate #beauty #canons #imposed #social #networks #positive