The woman was involved in a violent brawl involving five people. A carabiniere was hit in the cheekbone
A real tragedy occurred in the early evening hours of Monday, September 2. There are still many elements to clarify in the incident that occurred last night in the Milan area. Many details on this stabbing that require great attention to reconstruct a dynamic that, at the moment, seems very confused. A woman she was allegedly attacked with a knife in Milan yesterday, in the early evening of Monday 2 September. The perpetrator is missing.
The 30-year-old woman who was the victim of a stabbing she is in critical condition and the attacker has not yet been identified. The 118 paramedics and the Carabinieri intervened promptly on the scene of the incident and did everything possible to preserve the woman’s life. Information on this tragic event is still scarce and we are waiting for the next few hours of the morning to understand much more.

The attack on the woman is said to have occurred around 7 pm, at the intersection of Viale Monza and Via dei Transiti. The Carabinieri, who were by chance (and fortunately) already in the area, noticed a woman lying on the ground, seriously injured by gunshots. cutting weapon to the throat and abdomen.
According to initial information, the woman was involved in a violent brawl which involved five people. During the intervention, one of the carabinieri who had intervened before the incident was also hit in the cheekbone. Shortly after, the police arrived to support the carabinieri.

There reconstruction of the incident is still uncertain, and investigators are working to shed light on the dynamics. At the moment, no one has been stopped or arrested for either the attack on the woman or the attack on the carabiniere. The woman, rescued by health workers sent by the Regional Emergency Agency of Lombardy (Areu), was rushed to the Niguarda hospital, where she is currently hospitalized with a reserved prognosis. Her condition is stable and does not appear to be in danger of life.
#Woman #Stabbed #Street #Conditions #Happened