The summer fairy tale has already moved again, this time into the jury. It is already the third space in which the Frankfurt Regional Court is negotiating the tax process for the million -dollar slide before the 2006 World Cup. The hall is better suited for the survey of Theo Zwanziger, the former President of the German Football Association (DFB). It is bigger, brighter, and above all the technology works better. To do this, the dish has to let the windows open in between because the heating cannot be controlled. “Every hall has its pitfalls,” says judge Eva-Marie Distler.
In a changed environment, the participants not only experience a six -hour survey – including breaks – in which Theo Zwanziger, 79, very decidedly presented his view of things. But also a remarkable final passage. Because Distler places two preliminary chamber reviews in the room. It is assumed that she says that there was no “legend of the gala” and also no “private deal”. These are assessments that give the procedure a completely new dynamic on the 20th of 30 trial days – and at the same time spark some interpretation debates.
Exclusive“Summer fairy tale” affair
:The DFB and the secret church photo
A mail, a photo and a tremendous suspicion: The DFB investigates whether its former Vice President Rainer Koch played a wrong game for years around the “summer fairy tale” affair.
Laying and private deals are two terms that play a special role throughout the Causa. Both originally come from accused, both of them employed the investigators very much. The word “private deal” aims at the origin of the affair and the background of the payment that triggered everything; So the year in 2002 when the French entrepreneur Robert Louis-Dreyfus lent the German World Cup boss Franz Beckenbauer the ten million francs, who then landed through some detours in the Qatarian scandal official Mohammed bin Hammam.
The word from the former DFB boss Wolfgang Niersbach, 74, whose tax procedures have now been terminated against payment of a money requirement. In autumn 2015, he wrote this in an internal email, a “private deal” in favor of “FIFA and President (Sepp Blatter)” – Ergo for his re -election. Since then, this has been considered a possible, although due to the filing of the file. The court now clearly says that it does not follow. It has not yet said what is the most plausible for the ten million it. In the end, this is very crucial for the question of whether there was a tax evasion or not. The official lecture of those responsible at that time is that they had to pay the ten million francs in order to get an organizational subsidy of CHF 250 million for the World Cup.
And thus to the second keyword, the “legend”. This refers to the second part of the million carousel, i.e. the payment of 6.7 million euros from April 2005, the allegedly incorrect posting is the basis of the tax procedure. This word comes from the former DFB general secretary Horst R. Schmidt, 83, whose procedures have now been separated for health reasons. He used it to the public prosecutor in summer 2016 to describe the path of money at the time: the 6.7 million euros were officially flagged as a contribution to a (later canceled) World Cup gala. In fact, FIFA immediately forwarded the money to Dreyfus – this is how Beckenbauer’s loan was repaid. And this “legend” was also aware of twenties in addition to himself.
The investigators accepted this. But twenties, now the last remaining defendant, always rejected it with outrage and asserted that everything went correctly and that he had not deceived anyone. On Monday he does that again in court. The supervisory board had approved the plan to participate in the gala; Then there was a transfer to FIFA for the gala. And, yes: He knew early on by Dreyfus’ claim against Beckenbauer, but only understood shortly after the transfer in April 2005 that this was paid with the expiry of the 6.7 million payment. Because of the term “legend”, Zwanziger even sent a declaration of cease and desist to Schmidt-and his long-standing DFB player has actually corrected the wording over the years.
The judge asks whether he had “put it down”. Theo Zwanziger calls: “NeeEinnn!”
The comments and reactions of the court suggest that twenties believe this lecture. And also with regard to one of the most delicate documents: a handwritten note from twenties from April 2005, made a few days before the transfer. Because actually the decision was to participate in the gala with seven million euros. But twenties noted in a note to Schmidt that it was correct to “shorten” the amount due to the resulting personnel and material costs, perhaps by 300,000 euros- which means that the ominous 6.7 million euros came out, which almost came out Follow the Beckenbauer’s guilt (ten million francs loan plus interest). Twenties explains on Monday that this sum of Schmidt was brought up to him as a proposal and that he had agreed.
The judge wants to know whether this does not seem strange to him, and whether it doesn’t look as if you had “put it down”. “Neeinnn”, Zwanziger calls, the Horst Schmidt doesn’t fool him.
But on this question, what is still to be found is documented in the next trial days. Because even if the judge spoke that there was no “legend” and it is assumed that the gala was not a completely invented event, the question remains whether it may have been searched for “a booking site”, like that Judge formulated. And then apart from the role of twenties, the question is who knew or planned when or planned that the gala could serve as a booking office. In principle, it is also possible that the court sees fundamentally a tax evasion, but is acquitted of twenties because he had no knowledge of the loan repayment and later also with the submission of the tax declaration before the transfer of the 6.7 million euros.
Schmidt himself granted this in his survey and confirmed in an admission to the court last year that he saw this connex before the transfer. In his survey on Monday, twenties suspected that the FIFA managers would have understood the fundamental decision for participation in the gala as an opportunity to give away the unsolved credit issue. But in addition, according to SZ information, there is still a serious process in the depths of this procedure.
Dreyfus’ then bank advisor at the time has made detailed notes about the business of his client, also a loan for Beckenbauer. For years he warned in vain that he should now be repaid. And the notes show how the topics of gala and loan crossed in a remarkable way. Because the Federal Government’s gala was actually a matter of the Federal Government, and FIFA only took on the role of the organizer in October 2004. On November 8, Dreyfus’ consultant noted that the loan must now be solved ultimately. Shortly afterwards, the FIFA sent a fax to the World Cup organization committee around Schmidt, in which the World Cup culture program for the first time appeared as a possible camouflage for a repayment.
On February 20, Fedor Radmann should testify – Franz Beckenbauer’s eternal Schattenmann
And then on February 2, 2005, a spicy entry from Dreyfus’ consultant followed: his client, he noted, had received the signal that the matter would soon clarify. He had been taught about another way of repayment and that a formality was still to be clarified.
Another way of repayment? A formality to be clarified? Does the bank advisor know how to participate in the gala long before the German resolutions of the gala?
In any case, it is clear that movement will start soon afterwards. In mid -February 2005, a so -called lighting floor comes into play, which is supposed to cause additional costs at the gala. According to SZ information, FIFA’s internal documents show that these are inserted as part of a debriefing on February 22nd and initially estimated at 4.5 million euros. A day later, a memo is written for the first time in the German camp, in which this lighting floor is discussed. It signed: Fedor Radmann, the eternal string puller and close confidants from Beckenbauer, who was centrally involved in all questions of that time, not least about the ten million question in 2002.
In March 2005, Schmidt then wrote a letter, in which he refers to a conversation with FIFA about the lighting floor and a planned participation of the DFB. There is a lot of contact between Schmidt and the then FIFA general secretary Urs Linsi, and then things take their course until the Beckenbauer loan will be repaid until the end of April.
Will the court continue on this question? Louis-Dreyfus’ bank consultant can no longer be questioned, he died like the entrepreneur himself and Beckenbauer; However, an employee should still testify. Schmidt may also be able to comment in court again at some point. But above all, there is a special appointment on February 20: Then Fedor Radmann should appear as a witness, Beckenbauer’s Schattenmann. At the beginning of the affair, he once said that he conjured up in his children’s life that no one was bribed around the 2006 World Cup. Radmann now in the jury, which looks like a suitable ambience for many open questions in the summer fairy tale affair.
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