Within the ‘experience’ Mario Alonso Puig, the doctor who recommends facing carcinomas or meditation economic problems

This Monday afternoon, the screens of the Lope de Vega Theater in Madrid, in the middle of Gran Vía, do not project the images of the musical The lion king. Nor those of any artist or group in concert. Instead, they show videos of a man in a suit before an audience delivered, alternated with motivational messages.

“Who is that man?” Asks a woman older than the crowd has interrupted the walk with her friend. “It’s the one who is a doctor, isn’t it? It sounds a lot, I think I’ve seen him on TV,” they answer.

Indeed, it is Mario Alonso Puig, a Madrid surgeon converted into a lecturer and disseminator of content of mindfulness, Overcoming and self -help, which has filled the almost 1,500 seats of the Madrid theater. Although he likes to define himself is like a “Alarm of possibilities

Under the motto ‘make possible (IM) possible’ is on tour in Spain, Latin America and the United States, with about 22 dates in which the poster of ‘Everything sold’ has hung in almost all of them. In The web Where tickets are acquired appeals to transform “your life and your company”, although at no time in the event any type of business council is given. Many claim to know him for their contents in social networks, their podcasts or by the conferences ‘Expert minds‘, where he has shared a poster with other self-help gurus such as Marian Rojas Estepé or such Ben-Shahar.

María, from Madrid, has its entrance since January. “As soon as they came out, I launched me to buy it as a beast. I love it, I like everything about it, because they are lessons with which you reflect on yourself and that lead you to improve,” he tells this newspaper while waiting for his companion. “It is a chute of positivity, listening to it is a vitamin that goes directly to your veins,” says Roxana, who has come with her friend Sara, both entrepreneurs. “It is the second time I come, to see if what counts helps me on a personal and work level.”

Tickets range from 44 to 110 euros, something that has not stopped Paula, a retiree from the capital who waits for her group of friends. “I spend my money on this and on trips, because with the knowledge that will give me I know that it will help me and I will not waste my time. I’ve been chasing him for a long time, but I never managed to see him, until today.”

Collective jokes and meditations

When the audience delivered – mostly groups of women, but also whole families or couples – take a seat, a video with images generated with artificial intelligence tells the story of Alonso Puig, highlighting aspects such as his vocation as a child to become Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente, the loss of his grandparents or the love for his wife or his children. Also the “force that every day asks God” (is a confessed Christian), a reference to spirituality that will be present throughout the conference. Or as he rushes to clarify, “an experience” with which they will reach the “deep subconscious” to “see the invisible, believe the incredible, receive the impossible.”

Throughout the two and a half hours that the encounter lasts, Alonso Puig alternates information of doubtful scientific rigor, jokes, collective meditation exercises and own personal improvement stories and patients, despite the fact that he has hung the robe for the life of a lecturer, according to the life of a lecturer, he says. A turning point that serves as an example to talk about the “transformation neuroscience”, a cornerstone of your speech.

After asking the audience to get up or close the eyes and make deep breaths, guide their thoughts with phrases such as’ think about how your life would be transformed if you believe that you are a son of the stars

“Within each of us without exception there is a door and when it opens it changes everything that happens to you. When I felt the deep call of leaving surgery and dedicating myself to this […] I couldn’t take my fear, anguish … It was horrible, “he says before his audience.” I felt that the answer was not going to come from my formation or my experience, it was more intuitive than rational so I sat down, I closed my eyes and started leaving my self behind, I entered a space of vacuum, nothing … and the door opened. I opened my eyes and it was different than before, I already had the absolute clarity that it was the right thing, ”he continues.“ My feeling is that it had been 10 minutes, but four hours had passed ”.“ From that moment on, things began to happen to me, to call me for conferences… ”, says the author of more than a dozen books (The path of awakening, reset your mind, reinvent yourself …), several of them Best Seller.

Breathe in green

A total of five meditations with the public mark the afternoon rhythm. The most striking, perhaps because of its status as a doctor, is in which he asks the audience to visualize that he breathes air of a specific color and sends it towards a given organ, since, he says, each organ accumulates different emotions. For example, the liver, he says, is where jealousy, envy or anger are going to stop, and is released by introducing green air and exhaling gray. The same with blue air and kidneys, on behalf of trust. “The only way this works is to have evidence that it is so,” he concludes. “This the right hemisphere does not understand it, because it is not quantifiable.”

Each meditation is guided by epic music, sometimes closer to The Lord of the Rings than to a relaxation session. After asking the audience to get up or close the eyes and make deep breaths, guide their thoughts with phrases such as “your lineage is that of the greats, of those who know they are bigger than any fear” or “think how your life would transform if you believe you are a son of the stars.” In another joint reflection, they encourage them to think about a problem that they are going through, be it “a carcinoma or an economic difficulty” and visualize it as an “opponent.”

At the end, some of the attendees clean their tears or hug each other. Quickly the tone changed again and Alonso Puig, as a prestidigitator of emotions, directs the audience to another personal anecdote in a casual tone. Undoubtedly, the story that wakes up the most passion is what he tells how child, despite being a zote for judo, he manages to defeat a student much higher in size and category in the first exhibition of this sport in Spain. And all thanks to self -confidence: “Never forget that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent, do not take the role of victim.”

To reinforce that idea that the solution is always in the individual (and not in the sociocultural conditions, as several psychologists contrary to this type of messages criticize), Alonso Puig also tells the case of one of his patients, Margarita, who has repeated in numerous interviews. This patient, he says, went to him after years with a chronic stomach ailment and with a long history of tests and high doses of omeprazole, without relief. After chatting with her and discovering her labor problems, she prescribed, says, something much simpler: smiling at her boss. “Sounding sends a message to the brain, even if it does not feel it, deactivates the tonsil, the brain stops sending a stimulus to the nervous system, relaxes, it starts to work well and the pain is removed.” Many nods, reaffirmed with the medical explanation and the happy ending of Margarita’s story, who was removed from the condition after two weeks of smiles. “We are not victims, we are creators of our own history,” adds the doctor.

A total of five meditations mark the afternoon rhythm. The most striking, perhaps because of its status as a doctor, is in which he asks the audience to visualize that he breathes air of a concrete color and sends it towards a certain organ

Walt Disney, Albert Einstein or Ramón y Cajal also serve to splash his personal overcoming message, but it is nothing less than Antonio Machado who puts the final touch, when Alonso Puig recites his poem Walker there is no way. “We are all beings of light,” he says goodbye to an standing audience that applauds him for about a minute. You′re Simply the Best, From Tina Turner, she accompanies her farewell.

“It has been spectacular,” Mar to the theater stairs, where he comments on the experience with a couple of friends. “I found it very interesting what can be changed only by dominating the brain,” adds Esther, “although I think it’s not as easy as painting here.” Even so, they claim to repeat. “Although it is a bit expensive to be self -help, especially for the most vulnerable, who are the ones who need it most,” he adds.

Near them, some ask if you will sign books or stop to take memory photos with the doctor. Not with him in person, but with his image in the numerous posters for the promotion of the tour and that guide the crowd towards the exit.

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