01/01/2024 – 18:58
The president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, continues on vacation tomorrow and the command of the monetary authority remains in the hands of the director of Economic Policy, Diogo Guillen, who will leave from São Paulo on the first business day of the year, according to the agenda recently released by the institution. The director of Regulation, Otavio Damaso, and the director of Administration, Carolina de Assis Barros, are also on vacation. Both are replaced by Guillen.
Like Guillen, the director of Monetary Policy, Gabriel Galípolo, will work from the headquarters
São Paulo do BC.
The Director of Inspection, Ailton de Aquino, who is also on vacation, will be replaced by
director of Financial System Organization and Resolution, Renato Dias de Brito Gomes. Gomes
will ship tomorrow from Rio de Janeiro. The director of International Affairs and Management
Corporate Risks, Fernanda Guardado, will also dispatch from the capital of Rio de Janeiro this
Tuesday, on his last day at BC.
The director of Relationships, Citizenship and Conduct Supervision, Mauricio Moura, will be in
recess on his last day at the institution. He will be replaced by Guillen tomorrow.
#Campos #Neto #vacation #Guillen #starts #charge