A third Winnie-the-Pooh film: Blood and Honey is coming. According to Variety, the third film will have a even bigger budget from the first two films and other characters will appear, including Cap.
The first Winnie-the-Pooh film – Blood and Honey has a rating of 3% on Rotten Tomatoes, while its sequel has a remarkable 50%. A big leap forward considering that we are talking about a trashy product. We'll see if the third film can do better.
Winnie-the-Pooh – Blood and honey but not only that
It should also be noted that Winnie-the-Pooh – Blood and Honey is just the beginning of a saga which is part of the “Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble”.
“As horror fans, we would an Avengers that is all about bad guys“explained Scott Chambers, actor-producer of the production company Jagged Edge Production. “There would be Freddy Krueger, Jason, Halloween, Scream, all these characters. Obviously this will never happen, but we can do it in our own small way, and that's how this film was born.”
Jagged Edge Productions also has Bambi: The Reckoning, Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare and Pinocchio: Unstrung in the works, as well as Monsters Assemble.
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