Why getting up quickly makes you dizzy: a nurse explains why

Sunday, April 9, 2023, 12:27

The most common symptoms of a disease are the signs that warn you that something is wrong. Depending on the disease, the symptoms may change or be more intense. When you have caught a cold, one of the first signs that you are sick may be a fever or a sore throat.

Another very common ailment in the day to day of many people is dizziness. These can be caused by a variety of problems, including inner ear disorders, motion sickness, and the effects of medications. They can also be caused by a vascular health disorder, such as poor circulation, infection, or injury.

Before scaring yourself, you should take into account when you have suffered dizziness and the possible triggers. Also, the duration of the dizziness and any other symptoms you have can also help to identify the cause. Dizziness can occur for many reasons including ear problems. You should see a doctor if you have recurring, sudden or strong dizziness or vertigo without apparent cause and on a prolonged basis. It is also recommended that you see a doctor if you suffer from dizziness and are accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting or continuous vomiting.

Why do you get dizzy when you get up quickly?

Suffering dizziness is more frequent than it seems. Surely more than one has gotten up from the sofa and has noticed a sudden dizziness. This feeling has a reason and the nurse Jorge Ángel explains it in his TikTok account.

Surely you’ve got up quickly from the sofa and you’ve noticed that you get dizzy. The nurse Jorge Ángel explains that this is known as orthostatic hypotension, which means that the blood supply suddenly drops to the legs and abdomen. Therefore, “less blood reaches the brain and this dizziness occurs,” explains the nurse in his Tiktok account.

He has also reminded his followers that if this is a frequent symptom, it is best to go to the doctor and tell the situation. To avoid this feeling, the easiest thing is to get up little by little, especially the older ones.

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