Why a lighthouse of Cádiz is about to be declared well of cultural interest

History, legend and landscape merge in a special way on the coast of Trafalgar, where the famous battle between Spain and France took place and where one of the most unique monuments of this corner of Cádiz rises today: the trafalgar lighthouse. An example of industrial architecture Singular that the Ministry of Culture will recognize with maximum patrimonial protection: the declaration of cultural interest.

The Trafalgar lighthouse sits in a corporal in the Breña Natural Park and Las Marismas de Barbate, An environment loaded with historyat least since the Roman era, where it seems that there was a temple dedicated to the god Juno. The Arabs, meanwhile, built here a surveillance tower in the ninth century whose remains are still standing.

With that story as a base, the Ministry of Culture is already working on the declaration file as a good of cultural interest (BIC), in the monument category, which is The maximum level of protection contemplated by the Spanish Historical Heritage Law. The lighthouse is attached to the Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz and State ports, dependent on the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility, and has been included since 2017 in the ‘Catalog of headlights with heritage value in Spain’ as a historical testimony of the technology and science of its time.

In a Dunas place

Among the characteristics that make it special, its patio house structurevery unusual in this type of buildings. Around the patio the house and warehouses are arranged on the ground floor, while on the side the tower of stone ashlars ornate with buttresses with very pointed arches stands, which gives it its own and iconic identity of this tourist area of ​​Cádiz, a place of dunes from which you can contemplate the narrow of Gibraltar, in the heart of the Natural Park of the Natural Park of Breña and Marisms of Barbate.

There are already horse routes that allow you to enjoy a magical walk between the beaches of the area, starting from Mecca pipes or of Conil de la FronteraFor example. In these routes, which also run through the beaches and vigid towers of the coast of other municipalities such as Barbate or Vejer de la Frontera, it is possible to admire the Dunes and Vegetation characteristics and, above all, the beautiful marine panorama of the Strait.

In the southern part we can get closer to the Roman archaeological remains, such as the vestiges of the old temple or a salazones factory, as well as some remains of the Muslim settlement. Next to the lighthouse he receives us, to put the finishing touch to our walk, a beach of 726 meters rocky and with a calm sea that is ideal to walk, sunbathe and enjoy the landscape.

#lighthouse #Cádiz #declared #cultural #interest

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