Who is who in the framework of the fraudulent cryptocurrency that promoted Milei

The failed launch of $ LIBRA, a cryptocurrency that was promoted by the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, and collapsed a few hours later generating millionaire losses for around 40,000 investors, threatens to become a long breath problem for the government.

Although the Argentine president said, after eliminating his publication on social networks, that he was not “internalized from the details” of the project and announced an internal investigation to “clarify the fact until the last consequences”, a series of previous links with the actors Behind $ Libra puts it in a commitment.

Next, who is who in this plot.

Julian Peh

It is the CEO and founder of KIP Protocol, a company based on Singapore of Web3, which provides a “base layer” on which artificial intelligence models are built and cryptocurrencies are transacted, among other things.

Peh met with Milei on October 19 at the Libertador Hotel, in Buenos Aires, in an event about “Disruptive Technologies” called Tech Forum.

There, according to a statement from the Argentine Presidency office, Peh told Milei “the company’s intention to develop a project called Viva La Libertad to finance private initiatives in the Argentine Republic using technology Blockchain ”.

The General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei also participated in that meeting; The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, and the entrepreneur Mauricio Novelli.

In an X publication after the launch of $ Libra, Kip Protocol mentioned that Milei “was not and is not involved in any way in the development of the project, which is absolutely private.”

However, the next day, Peh’s company separated from the project. Although they admitted to having been invited “after the launch to manage/ supervise the selection of financed technological projects and provide technical infrastructure for AI initiatives,” the company said that the launch of the token and market creation were managed in their entirety by Kelsier Ventures.

Hayden Mark Davis

It is Kelsier Ventures’s CEO. In a video posted this Saturday, Davis claimed to be a “advisor” of Milei and made it clear that there was a planning prior to the launch with the team of the Argentine president, who held the currency spraying.

“Despite the previous commitments, Milei and his team unexpectedly changed position, withdrawing their support and eliminating all previous publications on social networks. This abrupt decision was taken without prior notice and contradicted the previous guarantees directly, ”he said.

In this way, Davis confirmed the existence of an agreement with the government prior to the publication made by Milei in his networks, and then deleted claiming not being “internalized from the details of the project”.

Davis also said he will inject liquidity again the cryptocurrency. “As a custodian – and not owner – of these funds, I do not feel comfortable transferring them to Milei’s associates,” he said.

Davis met with Karina Milei at Casa Rosada in July 2024. The two met with the president of Argentina on January 30. At Peh and Davis meetings with the Milei, Novelli was present.

Mauricio Novelli

Is presented as a young man “Trader Professional ”and has an investor school called NW Professional Traders. He met with Milei at Casa Rosada on September 20 of last year and it was he who facilitated Milei’s meetings with Peh and Davis.

In fact, the encounter with the CEO of Kip Protocol was given in the Tech Forum, an event on “disruptive technologies” organized by Novelli himself at the Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires in October 2024.

Milei promoted the Novelli School, which called a solution for “the deficit in financial education in Latin American countries.”

In addition to the Argentine President, the Head of Presidential Advisors, Demian Reidel, and the president of the National Securities Commission, Roberto Silva, also intervened in the event.

According to businessman Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, in this event he was asked for money in exchange for organizing a private meeting with the president and to “happen magical things.”

As refused – because he considered that he violated the law that penalizes in the United States the corrupt practices committed abroad (FCPA, in English) – told him that he would only have the opportunity to greet him and take a group photo.

Novelli’s partner in Tech Forum is Manuel Terrones Godoy, a Youtuber which promotes NFT video games – games that rely on blockchain technology, where avatars can be bought, sold or rented.

According to Forbes in an interview, at 27 he left the engineering career to devote himself exclusively to being Gamer: “When I said I was going to leave the faculty and my work to be Youtubernobody understood anything. They thought he was leaving everything for a little game. ”

Finally, the Exchange and Wallet For the exchange between Cryptocurrencies, it facilitated the purchase of $ Libra in its app.

In a statement, they said that the Token Promoted by the president was in “Playground” (Patio de Recreo), “The section of our app for memecoins and experiments of the crypto ecosystem. Unlike the main cryptocurrencies, these tokens have a hyper volatile behavior, their cycle can last a few hours and even minutes, ”they warned.

“The decision to buy $ Libra, $ Trump or any of the hundreds of memecoins available in this section, implies significant loss risks,” they added: “The announcement of a crypto project by the president [Milei] It was undoubtedly a relevant manifestation for the ecosystem. On this public information, enabling token in an experimental environment is a reasonable way to expand freedom of choice for our users. ”


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