The endearing Santa Claus works incessantly all year round to make toys and gifts with which to surprise us on one of the most magical nights for children and adults. But today is an especially busy day for Santa Claus, who has to travel the entire planet and put our wishes wrapped in gift wrap under the Christmas tree—a little bird has tipped us off that In about twelve hours it will arrive in Spain—.
For a few years now, the magic of these days has multiplied thanks to technologywhich allows us to talk to Santa Claus through applications or create beautiful Christmas cards. Even now that artificial intelligence has emerged, we can create hundreds of phrases to send our best wishes.
To make it even more fun, Google has had its Santa Tracker for a long time and the 2024 edition you can now visit.
Santa tracker 2024: how to see where Santa Claus is
Santa Tracker is an interactive tool that allows users follow Santa’s journey in real time.
The platform uses Google Maps, although this is not the only trick that the maps application hides for Christmas. Santa Tracker shows Santa’s location as he delivers gifts around the world. Besides, New features have been added this yearsuch as AI-generated images featuring old Claus and his elves in Christmas scenes.
The portal also includes a countdown so you can check how long until it arrives at your house —as we said, only 12 and a half hours until it lands in Spain!—, a counter with the number of gifts delivered and a section for the name of the city you are in or what your next stop is.
Users can also enjoy festive games and activities for the whole familymaking this experience a highly anticipated digital tradition every December.
This initiative is part of a tradition that Google began in 2004allowing users to follow in the footsteps of Santa Claus as he tours the planet on Christmas Eve.

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