Check the date of collection of these benefits according to the entity
January is a particularly bad month for employment in Spain since the data at the end of the first month of the year arrive marked by the end of the Christmas campaign and the low tourist season. This makes the effect ballast figures for job creation.
The latest published data show a decrease of 242,148 jobs and the number of social security affiliates remains at 21.1 million. In this way, our country is almost 2.6 million unemployed.
Many of those people who are currently working today receive unemployment benefit. With the entry of each month it is also the moment in which these payments are received.
When the unemployment is charged in Spain
As a general rule the collection of unemployment It is done on the 10th of each month Or, if it is festive, the next business day. The monthly payments of unemployment benefit are paid for concepts of 30 days, as established by the current regulations, within the month following the one corresponding to the accrual.
As the Ministry of Labor specifies, andl unemployment is charged between days 10 and 15 of each month. However, in some banks they already usually have the data of those who are entitled to collection and They can advance the amount.
BBVA: As of February 7
ING: As of February 10
Santander: As of February 6
CaixaBank: As of February 7
Sabadell: As of February 10
Abanca: As of February 10
Bankinter: As of February 7
This year an important novelty will arrive since since April the contributory benefit can be compatible with a salary of up to 1,350 euros for a year -since of the fifteenth month.
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