Today, Sunday, March 16, 2025, the Christian Santoral celebrates the saint of Santa Eusebia de Hamayfollowed by other names that you can consult right here.
Santa Eusebia de Hamay was a religious of Belgian origin who, after the death of his father, moved with his mother to the monastery of Marchiennes-Sur-La-Scarpe. At age 12, he assumed the position of Abadesa de Hamay after the death of his grandmother, who had held that position. During his leadership, he lived with humility and dedication, until his death in 680.
The Catholic Church celebrates the onomastics of some of the canonized people every day of the year. Today Sunday, March 16, 2025 is Santa Eusebia de Hamay and in Spain they celebrate their saint. Although today the people named Heriberto, Hilario, Bishop, Juan Sordi, Taciano Mártir, Gabriel Brochero are also known for the day.
The day of the Fiesta de los Santos originates in our culture thanks to the Christian tradition That was installed in Spain. But what does the saint really mean? Catholicism has taken every day of the year to Remember (commemorate) to those illustrious Christians who also suffered the torture of those who repudiated the Catholic faith.
Today, Sunday, March 16, 2025 there are many Santos and holy that are celebrated on the occasion of this Catholic tradition that is so intrinsic in our daily culture. Discover in ABC all the names of the Santoral that are celebrated just today.
The saints that are held today are collected in the Roman martyrology And that is where they are officially extracted. It is a book that the Vatican is updating to include the canonizations that take place every year.
What saints are held today March 16?
The Santoral is much broader for each day. Today not only is it Santa Eusebia de Hamay but we also celebrate the onomastics of:
Juan Sordi
Taciano martyr
Gabriel Brochero
© Library of Christian Authors (Jl Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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