Saturday, March 22, 2025 SAN WELCOME SCOTIVOLI Among other names that are celebrated today according to the Christian Santoral.
Saint Welcome Scivoli, Bishop of Osimo, studied law in Bologna before performing as an arcychy in his hometown. In 1263, Pope Gregory IX appointed him administrator of the Diocese of Osimo and Umana. Outstanding for his holiness and leadership, he worked tirelessly on the moral reform of the clergy and the people until his death in 1282.
The Catholic Church celebrates the onomastics of some of the canonized people every day of the year. Today, March 22, 2025 is SAN WELCOME SCOTIVOLI and in Spain they celebrate their saint. Although today the people named Basilio de Ancira, Calinico, Epafrodito, read from Rome, Nicolás Owen, Pablo de Narbonne are also known for the day.
On the day of the celebration of the saints it originates in our culture thanks to the Catholic tradition That was installed in Spain. But what does the saint really mean? Catholicism has taken every day of the year to Remember (commemorate) to those illustrious Christians who also suffered the torture of those who repudiated the Catholic faith.
Next you will find a list of the saints or holy That correspond to this Saturday, March 22, 2025, according to our Hispanic tradition and the dates of celebration of the Christian festivities, all of them related to events of Jesus’ life and the history of the Church.
He Roman martyrology List the names of the Santoral as we know it. This name refers to a kind of catalog that the Vatican is updating by replacing new saints after the canonization.
Saints today March 22
The Santoral is much broader for each day. Today not only is it SAN WELCOME SCOTIVOLI but we also celebrate the onomastics of:
Basil of Ancira
Read Rome
Nicolás Owen
Pablo de Narbonne.
© Library of Christian Authors (Jl Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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