The MUFACE CRISIS It extends for several months, since the insurers rejected to participate again in the contest if the conditions that, as they led them to losses were not improved. Since then, the Government has improved the specifications to try that the three insurers who had been providing the service -sEgurcaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV– They are maintained in the health care program for officials.
The deadline to decide if they do is March 4. Meanwhile, the 2.14 million people – Public officials and their relatives- beneficiaries of this service they expect to know if they can continue to have this assistance or will do so through public health.
Last January, the Government approved to improve the conditions of the tender for the health contest: The program was endowed with additional financing of 330 million euros to place the premium per insured in 41.2% compared to the previous call.
Insurers have about three weeks, until March 4, to assess whether this increase motivates a position change: in the case of Segurcaixa Adeslasthe latest information suggests that they would be arranged to continue In the new concert. In the same way, Asisa could join To the new call, while DKV has not yet pronounced, according to the information known to the information.
Nor does Mapfre rule out joining the new concert: its president, Antonio Huertas, explained that “it is justice that we can evaluate” the new conditions of the tender.
In any case, today and a few weeks after the end of the deadline, uncertainty remains total with respect to what will happen with MUFACE. In that sense, The CSIF union has postponed Plaza ‘In Extremis’ the strike planned for Thursday, February 13not to hinder the deliberations.
The union has explained that it postpones, at least until the end of the term (on March 4) the possibility of calling a strike to “avoid damages to citizens” and given the information that Segurcaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV are valuing the new Condicions CSIF if you will maintain the concentrations planned for next Thursday.
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