Hematuria or blood in urine is the most common symptom of bladder canceralthough it is not always present, along with other signs such as pain or stinging when urinating, the need to urinate many times, to finish urinating and have the feeling of “further“, pelvic pain and changes in urinary habits, according to the head of the Medical Oncology Service of MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, Dr. Enrique Grande.
In depth
Therefore, the expert emphasizes that, if someone experiences hematuria or other urinary symptoms, “It is important to look for medical attention for adequate diagnosis and early treatment“. Precisely hematuria was the sign that promoted Laurent G., bladder cancer patient, to go to the medical consultation.”The symptom that took me to the doctor was a slight pink tone at the end of urination. I wasn’t sure what could be since it was not constant, although I could imagine it, and it was indeed blood“The patient explains, who argues that he did not suffer from any type of physical pain or other symptoms.
However, warns MD Anderson Madrid, blood in the urine is not always synonymous with bladder cancer. “It can be a symptom of other diseases, such as urinary tract infections, renal lithiasis (kidney calculations), kidney disease, trauma, autoimmune diseases and coagulation disorders “add.
More details
Dr. García says that the early detection of bladder cancer plays a crucial role in patient survival. So much so, it stands out, When cancer is detected in early stages, before other areas of the body have been disseminated, healing options are higher. However, improvement percentages both in survival and healing can vary depending on different factorsincluding the stadium in which cancer, the type of treatment received and the patient’s individual response to treatment is detected.
For example, it continues, in cases of superficial bladder cancer, which is when it is limited to the inner layer of the bladder, early detection can allow less invasive treatments, such as transureral resection of the bladder (RTU), which has Success rates in terms of healing close to 80-90 percent in terms of long-term survival.
To take into account
“In cases of invasive bladder cancer, which has infiltrated the tumor towards the deepest layers of the bladder such as muscle, long -term survival rates are reduced to approximately 50 percent. In these cases, the combination of chemotherapy and surgery, so As immunotherapy that has been added to the therapeutic arsenal recently, they can offer effective treatment options“He explains.
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