The two alternative leaders for Germany (AFD), Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupallathey have appeared together in the early hour, to express their satisfaction for the electoral result, which remains as a second most voted game at the federal scale and that in the east … The country has been the most voted in most electoral districts.
AFD has achieved a “historical success,” said Weidel, who has also stressed that no other party in Europe has so far became a “people’s party” in such a short time. Chrupalla has also referred to historical success and has described Weidel’s electoral campaign as “sensational”, offering an unity image that counteracts the repeated differences between them.
Weidel considers the result as a “victory” and has offered his party again as a possible partner of the conservative CDU. “We are willing to assume government responsibility, because German voters have voted for a political change,” he said. “There is a strong majority for AFD and CDU,” he insisted, “now it depends on the CDU to decide whether to put it into practice.”
The refusal to negotiate with AFD by the most voted candidate, Friedrich Merz, backed in this position for his party, the CDU, is in Weidel’s opinion “antidemocratic.” It is convinced, on the other hand, that Merz’s Alliance with the Social Democrats will “strengthen” AFD in the coming years, thanks to the fact that he will be the opposition leader. The probable next chancellor, Friedrich Merz“He cannot implement anything he promised” in such an alliance, he has predicted, “and we will be denouncing them.” “It is exactly the opposite of what this country needs,” he warned.
In this first appearance, in fact, he has begun to exercise as an opposition leader and has criticized Merz’s intention to enable a special fund for the rearme of the Bundeswehr. “A state must function as a company and this is already overempted,” he said, convinced that it is now convenient is “cutting expenses with an iron broom so that there is more money for the contributing population.”
Among his great reasons for satisfaction, this morning, Weidel emphasizes that “we have received a good percentage of young vote and that shows that we are the party of the future.”
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