Weather conditions are expected to gradually worsen in Italy. The Department of Civil Protection has issued a yellow weather alert for 10 regions due to thunderstorms and strong winds
A gradual worsening of weather conditions is expected on our Peninsula in the next few hours, due to the risk of thunderstorms and strong winds. In light of this, the Department of Civil Protection has issued theyellow weather alert in ten regions.
Due to a strong and vast disturbance that will hit Italy, in the next few days we will witness widespread bad weather in our country, with the risk of scattered thunderstorms and strong winds.
Worsening weather conditions: yellow weather alerts in ten regions
The Department of Civil Protection, in consideration of the expected weather forecasts and the current atmospheric phenomena, has prepared the issuing of a yellow weather alert for tomorrow, Tuesday 17 September, on part of Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, on the entire territories of Molise, Basilicata And Apuliaon part of Campania And Sardinia.

Specifically, the bad weather warning predicts widespread and consistent rainfall starting from the early hours of the morning that could also take the form of showers or thunderstorms over Emilia-Romagna and Marche. Scattered rain, also in the form of showers or thunderstorms, starting from the morning, also over Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia and Basilicata. Strong winds up to gale force are also expected over Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Marche, especially on the coastal and Apennine areas, with storm surges on exposed coasts.
Forecast for tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17
The weather forecast for tomorrow, Tuesday 17 September, indicates gradual cloudiness at North with scattered rains starting from the early hours of the morning in the eastern regions. Rains that will intensify in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna turning into thunderstorms.
To the Center Increasing clouds are expected starting from the early afternoon with precipitation and thunderstorms over southern Lazio and Abruzzo, extending during the night to Umbria, Marche up to the Tyrrhenian side.

To the Southfinally, clouds are expected initially over Campania, Calabria, Basilicata and Sicily with the possibility of local rain. As the afternoon progresses, the bad weather is expected to extend to the remaining regions with a gradual worsening. In fact, showers and thunderstorms will be possible, both along the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coastal areas.
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