Before the anniversary of the pandemic becomes a nostalgic, soft, sentimental and tontorrón fact like a world day, it should be remembered that We still don’t know where the virus that paralyzed the world came from Five years ago and that the life of almost fifteen million people took ahead, according to WHO figures. Nor do we seem to know it in a short term or that there is a great world concern to understand it. We should reflect on this. Not knowing the origin of something so serious seems terrible, but it is even more to stop asking questions. The dead do not ask questions.
The worst pandemic is ignorance. The worst disease is to take something that is not. A politician would say “amortized.” If we give the theory of the zoonotic infection, There are hundreds of questions that we should answer and too many inconsistencies that remain in the air. Of course, the curious story that a bat transmitted to a Pangolin and this was transferred to a human is very rare, and should not leave us calm because it is a manifestly insufficient explanation or for idiots.
The worst pandemic is ignorance.
With its usual sensationalist tone, the British newspaper The Sun He has published a documentary entitled “Inside The Wuhan Lab-Rateak Scandal-Biweapons, Cover-Ups & The Covid ‘Smoking Gun’”. For forty minutes, some experts give their opinions on the matter and affirm, among other things, that There is much to investigate that China’s opacity is flagrant and that the little desire to investigate and ask for responsibilities from other countries are more than suspicious. It is worth seeing it because it leaves several questions that we should continue asking. However, we have not known anything. There is no talk of this. It is a sickness, typical of a world of satisfied slaves, worried about their daily well -being, their food and their TV, grateful for not having died. A pity.
British sensationalism of The Sunwith his hairdressing magazine, It gives me some envy for the ability to ask questions and not settle for what they tell us. It seems to me that it fulfills a mission of professional ethics, civil justice and a certain social rebellion. I do not comprise myself and I would like all the political organizations on which I depend and, in a way, they manage me, continue to keep the question living. The documentary leaves in the air questions that should continue to disturb us. If the hypothesis of the zoonotic origin is solid, why did China blocked international research in Wuhan and destroyed key data in the first months of the pandemic? And, even more worrying, why have the international community not pressed more strongly to carry out an independent and definitive investigation into the origin of the virus?
I, proudly declare me that I get off of a world that does not want to know anything about the truth.
We have left Weak as a species Because we are exposed to something we do not know, we have come out Weak as civilization Because our political organizations do not help us find a necessary truth, something we should know. We have left Weak as a state Because, at all times, national, regional, regional and local policy converted a matter of life or death of hundreds of thousands of people into a first -order political opportunity to monopolize more power, and continue to do so with the crumbs and the interested manipulation of the damn story, which is, nothing more and nothing less, the dress that puts the lie to travel to its wide the devastated intellectual battlefield of the society. We have left, after all, weakest as individuals Because the feeling of helplessness before another similar event is evident.
In the absence of bread, I invite all readers to see the documentary of The Sunnot to settle and leave the flock. I, proudly, I proudly declare that I get off of a world that does not want to know anything about the truth and that it has outsource the necessary function of thought in a group of useless ticks.
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