Vox once again launches an order against the Popular Party, and again for the distribution of unaccompanied immigrant minors. The formation led by Santiago Abascal announced this Wednesday that they are suspending budget negotiations with the PP in all the autonomous communities where the popular ones depend on the support of Vox to carry out the accounts.
The movement occurs in the context of the negotiations that the Government, the PP and the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, will resume this week to unblock the reform of the Immigration Law that allows the distribution by law of unaccompanied immigrant minors, known as ores.
Vox had been warning: there will be no budgets in those regions for next year if the PP closes a migration pact with the PSOE. That agreement has not yet been reached and, for now, the parties are only scheduled to meet tomorrow to resume the talks that the Popular Party suspended in October, after learning that the Executive had declined the aid offered by the European Union (EU).
In any case, the mere negotiation of immigration policies between the PP and the PSOE has been enough for Vox to suspend any budget agreement with the popular ones in six regions: Castilla y León, Valencian Community, Region of Murcia, Extremadura, Aragón and the Balearic Islands. In the first five, those of Abascal left those regional governments that he shared with the PP, precisely because of the immigrant menroes.
«We are not going to participate in the distribution of illegal immigration and insecurity that Feijóo and Sánchez intend. If the PP wants to continue promoting the policies of the PSOE, it should negotiate the budgets with them. “Vox’s pulse is not going to tremble,” the party’s general secretary, Ignacio Garriga, announced on a visit to Besòs-Maresme, where he denounced the “alarming insecurity” of this Barcelona neighborhood.
This Wednesday, before the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, has assured that the Government will “reach out” to the PP to provide a solution to the problem of immigrants, which mainly affects the Canary Islands. which has been demanding an agreement for the distribution of unaccompanied minors since before the summer.
In this regard, Garriga has raised his tone and expressed his “deep concern” after learning about the meeting between the PP, the central government and the leader of the Canary Islands Executive. “We were expelled from the governments because we said we were not going to participate in the distribution of illegal immigration, in the distribution of insecurity throughout all the neighborhoods and cities of Spain,” he announced, once again relating insecurity and crime to the immigrant minors.
“It is the Popular Party – he continued – who will have to rectify and break the pacts with the PSOE if it wants to continue negotiating with Vox those budgets in the regions in which it needs our votes,” he said in statements to the media.
Asked what he expects the PP’s response to be to this new order, the general secretary of Vox has indicated that he expects it to respond “responsibly” and to “rise up to the circumstances.” “That Mr. Feijóo meets with Mr. Sánchez in discussions to see where they distribute those insecurities, those menas, is a betrayal of the most humble people and a political scam,” he criticized.
#Vox #suspends #budget #negotiations #communities #renounces #hosting #immigrant #minors