The night breeze carried andl Heder of putrefacta meat and dry bloodan aroma so dense that seemed to permeate the air. The torches sizzled, projecting deformed shadows on the bodies that swayed in their stakes. Some still groaned, trapped between agony and death, while Rats They began their feast.
In the midst of this horror landscape, surrounded by a packed forest, a man was zooming calmlytasting their food with the tranquility of those who enjoy an exquisite banquet. He did not look away from his victims; On the contrary, each estetor seemed to taste, every last breath. So it was Vlad Drìculeathe voivoda of Valaquiawhose reign was cemented in the fear and the blood.
The Banquet of Terror
The Brașov massacre It was one of his greatest brutality demonstrations. When the Saxon city supported a suitor rival, Vlad soon responded with a systematic killing. It is said that he ordered Employment to 30,000 peoplemen, women and children equally, creating a terrifying show before burning the city.
His atrocities were properly Documented in texts that arrived in Germany next to Very graphic xylography. “He ordered that women be impaled along with their infants in the same stake. Babies fought for their lives in their mother’s breasts until they died. Then they cut their breasts to the women and put the babies inside; Thus he made them talk together, ”said one of the publications of 1499.
The impaler It was not an honorary title, but the hallmark of its ruthless way of governing. He was not enough to defeat his enemies; His true objective was annihilate any hint of insurgency to his authority.
It was not the first time I used such a method. With almost artistic precision, organized bodies in geometric patterns: endless ranks of victims arranged in concentric rings, forming un horrors of horrors that served as a warning to anyone who dared to challenge him. The height of the stakes was not random: The higher the condemned, the greater his rank in life.
It is said that a Ottoman Armywhen he reached the border of Valaquia, he stopped horrified when he saw thousands of rotten corpses impaled throughout the Danube. The scene was so frightening that the soldiers They chose to retire before facing an enemy capable of such atrocities.

His cruelty was not limited to the warriors or noble rivals. Vlad too He directed his fury against the beggars and the poorwhom he considered a ballast for his kingdom. In an act that touches the unimaginable, he organized a banquet and invited them all to a large room. When they were inside, he ordered close the doors and set fire to the place. For him, that was an effective solution: Less mouths to feed, less discomfort for your government.
The punishments imposed were disproportionate even for the standards of the time. Any fault, no matter how less, could be paid with death. A merchant who dared to deceive a client could end up impaled, just like a servant to rob. Vlad’s justice was absolute, and his only norm was fear.
The end of a bloody reign
Despite her ferocity, or perhaps due to her, He managed to maintain control of his territory in times of great instability. Neither the Ottomans nor the Hungarian nobles managed to break it easily.

But terror is not a weapon that can be shown indefinitely without consequences. Finally, the Boyardos Valacos themselves, fed up with their bloody reign, They betrayed.
Captured and executed, your Head was sent to Constantinople as a trophy. However, his legacy did not disappear with his death: Vlad the impaler It became a legend, a name whispered with fear and respect, a test of flesh and blood of how far the human horror can go in the name of power.
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