A heavy downpour hit the capital last night, causing various inconveniences: from flooded houses, fallen trees to blocked flights
A violent one downpour It hit the capital last night, Monday 9 September, causing no small amount of inconvenience to the population.
Fallen branches and trees, flooded streets and houses are just some of the damage caused by the strong storm front that raged in Rome. Dozens of interventions by law enforcement, local police and firefighters called on the territory between Rome and the province.
The bad weather also affected the rest of Lazio and other central regions, causing blockages and disruptions to some metro stations and flights departing from Fiumicino. Disruptions amplified by the transport strike scheduled for today.
The storm that hit Rome during the night: streets and houses flooded
As forecast, the adverse weather conditions that led to the activation of the yellow alert by the Civil Protection Department raged throughout the night in the Capital.
A real water bomb, in fact, hit Rome causing the flooding of several streets especially in the quadrant South-East and also some houses on the lower floors.

Closure of metro stations with related delays and cancellations
Among the many inconveniences caused by the bad weather, there was also the closure of Manzoni, Long Bridge And Cinecittà of line A, where trains did not stop due to flooding. Everything will then be amplified by the effects of the strike day scheduled for today, Monday 9 September.
Delays and cancellations also along railway lines, such as on Fl3 Rome-Viterbo whose activity had resumed after a partial closure of sixty days due to the works on that section.

Fiumicino: flights blocked for several hours
The violent downpour did not spare air transport any inconvenience either. Fiumicino airport, due to adverse weather conditions, saw several flights grounded for several hours, causing the related delays.
#Violent #downpour #hits #city #fallen #branches #flooded #houses #closed #metro #Fear #among #population