The local government of Vila Joiosa has turned the appointment of two Local Police inspectors into a mess that can lead to legal consequences, in addition to the unrest they have generated among the staff of the Vila Joiosa police force.
It all started with some competitions to fill both positions that the City Council resolved at the beginning of 2023. They consisted of six tests: physical, a psychotechnical, a multiple choice exam, solving a practical case, the assessment of the Valencian degree and a merit contest .
The sum of the six qualifications made up the final grade and of the 60 candidates who took the exams, only two passed. The inspectors now appointed at the discretion of the town’s mayor, Marcos Zaragoza, of the PP, suspended. In the multiple choice exam, one of them (MAPG) obtained a grade of 4.6 and the other (JJLD) a 1.4.
Finally, the first two grades in the test were an 8 and a 7.66 and both applicants were also the only ones who passed the opposition, so they were proposed by the court to occupy two positions as inspector of the Local Police.
However, after this opposition process, one of the positions ended up being prosecuted and is pending a final ruling, so only the other was occupied, although it was also finally left vacant because the person who obtained it has ended up being released by a union.
With both positions to be filled, finally on November 25 of this year, two resolutions named the two officials who had been suspended in the opposition process as inspectors, and both are headed by the following phrase: “Seeing the proposal of Mr. Mayor President of this City Council, and of the Chief Commissioner of the Local Police (…)”. That is to say, both appointments were proposed by the first mayor.
The nonsense was consummated after the appointments of these two inspectors for a year on December 3 of this year, when the mayor signed and published the “specific governing rules for the selective tests that must govern a temporary employment pool.” of two Local Police inspector positions, ordinary internal promotion, through the employment improvement system.” In other words, he first promoted two officers as inspectors by hand and eight days later he called the employment pool, which, according to legal sources consulted by this newspaper, could entail judicial consequences, since it would restrict or limit basic rights of the rest of the officers. .
There is also the circumstance that one of the two hand-picked officials ended up taking to court the practical case of the oppositions that he took and failed to claim their nullity. However, both the contentious-administrative court number 4 of Alicante in the first instance, and later the TSJ, to which he appealed, rejected his claims and agreed with the opposing court.
This situation has also generated deep discomfort in the staff of the Local Police, according to the sources consulted by this newspaper, in which only one of the six inspectors has obtained the position by competitive examination. In total, the staff of the Vila Joiosa Local Police is made up of about 55 officers.
This newspaper has contacted Mayor Marcos Zaragoza to ask him about the appointments and the creation of the job bank, but he did not want to give any explanation.
#Vila #Joiosa #appoints #police #inspectors #suspended #opposition #grade