Victoria de los Angeles (Barcelona, 1923-2005) is one of the greatest Spanish opera singers. “The Metropolitan was an immense stercolero where there was only one flower: victory of Los Angeles,” said her Maria Callas After a confrontation with the … New York theater, where the Catalan artist sang on 139 occasions. Antonio Fernández-Cid, unforgettable Musical critic of ABC, said the first time he heard him was “the most beautiful voice he can imagine.” Twenty musical critics, in an encounter made in 2007 by the prestigious magazine ‘BBC Music Magazine’, placed it as the third best soprano in history since there are record recordings; In front of her were only Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland. However, the discretion of Victoria de Los Angeles and his life deliberately away from other foci that were not those of the stage have diminished their popularity: «I was reputed to be deliberately distant, but nothing farther from reality. Simply, when I had just sing, I disappeared, and nobody knew anything about me, I didn’t see me in restaurants or night clubs, I was simply working at home, ”he said.

Pep Gorgori -
Fiction -
2025 -
22 euros
The appointment appears in the biography of the soprano -subtitulada ‘everything seemed so simple’- written by Pep Gorgori, a Musical critic of ABC in Barcelona, which for several years has been dedicated to diving in archives, libraries and newspaper libraries to offer the one that surely is the most complete portrait of the Barcelona singer both from the personal and artistic point of view. Gorgori’s fascination with Victoria de Los Angeles -by the soprano, but also for the woman -has led him to try to illuminate the most remote corners of the biography of the unforgettable papers interpreter like Cio -Cio San (‘Madama Butterfly’), Mimí (‘La Bohème’), Mélisande He sang, in 1980 at the Teatro de la Zarzuela-) and exquisite ‘Liederista’. Among the novelties around the artist, Gorgori has had access to a suitcase in which Bernardo, the singer’s father, kept documents on her so far unpublished.
The first brushstrokes of this portrait, which somehow illustrate the personality of the soprano, are two photographs in which Victoria de Los Angeles appears precisely with his father, Bedel at the University of Barcelona, and his mother. His humble origins, his first self -taught formation, his first artistic steps in the group ‘Ars Musicae‘, his international successes, his in so many unfortunate family life or his voluntary removal of the foci are some aspects that Gorgori addresses in a pleasant story that reads with the same simplicity that seemed to have everything when he sang the victory of Los Angeles.
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