The Government of Nicolás Maduro decided to deepen its decision to break diplomatic relations with Chile and has demanded from its pair Gabriel Buric withdraw from its territory all Chilean consuls.
The decision was announced this morning the Chilean Foreign Ministry to … Through a statement indicating that «the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela asked Chile’s consulates in Caracas and Puerto Ordaz, the cessation of their consular services, as a consequence of the suspension of diplomatic relations between the two countries«.
The strict order of the Venezuelan government has involved that Chilean representations have stopped attending public today and closed their doors. The Boric government regretted the measure “that affects thousands of nationals in Venezuela and Venezuelan citizens who require consular attention, and reports that it is evaluating the various alternatives available in order to guarantee the necessary support for the nationals residing in that country.”
From the elections held in Venezuela last July, the tension between the two nations has been in growing, after Boric did not recognize Maduro’s electoral fraud and accuse him of leading a dictatorship. Ripe. When everyone demanded that the Caracas ruler show the minutes of the election to certify his triumph, he ordered to break relations at that time with Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Peru.
For that reason, the Chilean administration called for the ambassador to Caracas Jaime Gazmuriwho did not return to that country and definitely abandoned the position on January 7 when the government announced the end of its diplomatic mission.
Despite this, the consulates continued to work due to the migration wave of that country to Chile and the need for collaboration to establish the background of the Venezuelans entering this border. The measure announced today affects some 12,000 Chileans living in that country.
To this is added the fact that in recent weeks new background has emerged that links the government of Nicolás Maduro with the kidnapping and murder of Venezuelan exhaustion Ronald Ojeda, fact occurred in Santiago in February 2024. The Prosecutor’s Office has testimonies that union to Diosdado Cabello as the one who delivered the order and paid the Aragua train to commit the crime.
On Friday the Venezuelan Chancellor Yvan Gil He affirmed in his account X that relations with Chile “are broken since August of last year”, but Interior Minister, Carolina Tohá, avoided walking along that path, pointing out that “in practice today, there are no broken diplomatic relations, that Act, say, diplomat, to break relationships, has not occurred ».
This morning the Undersecretary of the Interior, Luis Cordero, lamented the measure required by Maduro stating that he will harm the nationals who live there, as to Venezuelans residing in Chile. He also acknowledged that this will make any repatriation or expulsion measure of illegal Venezuelans in the country in the future because Caracas does not want to receive them.
In Congress there was a cross -sectional rejection adopted by Caracas and from the radical right to the Broad Front, the act of that government was questioned. The only ones who do not fold to criticism are the parliamentarians of the Communist Party who have ruled out to qualify Venezuela as dictatorship.
#Venezuela #demands #Chile #close #consulates #territory