A year after commissioning Paz Santa Cecilia the hopeful reform of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Ernest Urtasun It already has a plan. It consists of two parts and will take the entire legislature to carry it out. … The first part of this reform will consist of the creation of a new general direction that will assume the functions of promotion of performing arts, that is, everything related to aid and subsidies, as well as the preservation and dissemination of the scenic and musical heritage. The New General Directorate of Performing Arts and Music It has the approval of the Treasury and Public Function and will be approved in the next semester. These administrative tasks will be broken down from the current structure of the INAEM, which will be limited to managing the production, programming and exhibition during the time that the Ministry late in finding a new legal figure. This is the second part of the announced reform: Culture will open a process of dialogue with the sector, technicians and unions to acodate the legal formula of the new organism that will be in charge of the artistic part. It will be an organism “hundred percent public” and will take longer, probably the entire legislature, if Urtasun arrives on time.
“This is going to be the Legislature of the Inaem reform,” the minister guaranteed yesterday, sure to carry out a reform postponed for years. The current structure of INAEM, the agency responsible for managing the theater, dance and state production music, dates back to 1985, the year in which the entity was created, without any administration having been able to make draft reforms. The former minister tried José Guirao In 2018: he brought together the sector, developed a working document and proposed to provide the INAEM of his own law, but the project ended in a drawer. The predecessor of Urtasun, Miquel Iceta, also tried to address this issue in a more discreet way. Its general director proposed to convert the entity into a foundation, but the project remained at all. «This year we have dedicated ourselves to reviewing all the literature that existed in the house and also to study international models. But I do want to say an important thing: this team will make decisions too. We are not going to be another team that is dedicated to reviewing all the literature and nothing more ».
Urtasun was convinced that he will be the minister who finally updated the INAEM “to the 21st century”, but could only announce two certainties: the next approval of a new general direction, which will be in charge of Paz Santa Cecilia, current Director General General of INAEM, and that the new body will be public. «The INAEM is and will continue to be an agency one hundred percent public, and this means that in the reform of the agency we will move in the parameters of the Public Function Law of 2015, which is the one that defines the different legal organizations of the Administration Public and their entities. They are absolutely discarded ideas that have generated concern in the past, such as a foundation or something that may look like ». Before appearing before the media, the minister and the general director advanced their plans to the unions, to whom the music, for the moment, sounds good. UGT expects the ministry to be “agile,” CC.OO. “Celebrate” the proposal and CSIF believes that this time they are taking the right steps.
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