The Government Council has approved a decree establishing the regulatory bases and rules for the application of the aid regime for the establishment of young farmers, as well as the subsidies for investments in modernization and improvement of agricultural holdings made by them on the occasion of their first installation in Extremadura.
The decree also contemplates the calls for both aid with a total budget of 57 million eurosco-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Government of Extremadura.
“The objective is to support the agricultural sector in Extremadura, promote the sustainable development of the rural areaspromote the much-needed generational change and promote employment,” said the spokesperson for the Board, Victoria Bazaga, in the press conference after the Government Council, where she detailed that this aid comes with two new features.
On the one hand, the call will remain open for two years, so that farmers will have deadline until December 31, 2026 to design their exploitation, since until now they only had one month; and the second novelty is that they will be able to request both aid at the same time.
In the case of aid for the establishment of young farmers in the region, these have a global amount of 35 million euros.
The rule states that beneficiaries may be those natural or legal persons and jointly owned farms that, meeting the conditions to be a young farmer, are established in a priority exploitation for the first time.
The aid consists of a basic premium, which is established at 20,000 euros, an amount to which up to 50,000 euros may be added in increments, resulting a maximum of 70,000 euros of aiddepending on whether the business plan includes the start-up of the operation, the generation of additional employment or any other of the circumstances detailed in the decree.
This regulation also contemplates subsidies aimed at encouraging the modernization and/or improvement of agricultural operations carried out by young farmers, which have a total endowment of 22 million euros.
The eligible investments They include, among others, the construction or improvement of agricultural or livestock buildings, the installation of renewable energy for consumption on the farm, the transformation and marketing of agricultural products, new plantations or renewal of crops or the acquisition of new agricultural machinery and equipment. , including computer programs.
The amount of aid is established at a basic percentage of 45 percent of the financeable investment, which may be increased to a maximum of 60 percent of this, with a maximum volume of aid under PEPAC of 75,000 euros per work unit. planned agricultural sector (UTA), without exceeding 150,000 euros per farm.
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