The uncertain pels canvis in the selectivitat and the delay in publishing the new exam models They have generated a great “sentiment d’angoixa” among the students of Segon de Batxillerat in Catalonia. October has ended, as well, the term that the Department of Research and Universities will set to publish an example of the 35 subjects of the Proves d’Accés a la Universitat (PAU).
Complaint that you denied the door of the Student Union, Paula Leyvawhich assures that “the lack of information during a term has added to the stress” of the students who “are playing the future in an exam.” Hundreds of young people go Demonstrate on October 11, 2019 in Catalonia to demand the immediate publication of the models Both can be applied in accordance with state regulations.
The students, however, are not the only ones who have become uneasy because of the administration’s stretching of schedules. The holder of the union of education workers of Catalonia (USTEC), Iolanda Seguraexplains to Public that there has been “a lot of discomfort among the professor because of the delay and because there is no clear opinion.” He said that the new, more “competitive” approach responds to “political interests” and not to the “real needs” of the students.
The USTEC considers that the new “competence” orientation of the PAU responds to “political interests”
In this sense, it shows its support for the “new competence orientation of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the OECD” and “gives response to the economic interests of the business world”, in order to form a “wide debate on the educational community”.
The Spanish Government defends that this design will prevent students from having to memorize the continguts and will encourage “Creativity and critical thinking skillsreflected the Maduresa in the written resolution of a series of questions. “Així mateix, the statements are based on contexts appropriate to the lives of young people and in “real” environments.
Criticisms of “insufficient” time to prepare for selection
Secure responsibility of the Catalan and Spanish administrations of the “temps” manca for implementing the canvis effectively. I say that it is a “feine overload” for the professor and that the students are angry. “It’s always mateix; they don’t understand that bona part of Educational success depends on prior planning“he laments.
The Minister of Education, Pilar AlegríaFor this reason, they will ensure at the beginning of the month that they have worked hard to have the latest models cheaper than usual, so that at some point they have arrived “in February.” In parallel, the PAU coordinator, Pilar Gomezwill insist that the result of the selectivitat depends on having taken a good batxillerat, rebaixant, also, the importance of the exam format.
The question is, why have the models been published correctly and have not been implemented as planned? Let’s review the chronology of the fets and what exactly the reform of the selectivitat implies.
Chronology of the canvis in the regulations
The Ministry of Education, Professional Training and Esports will propose in 2022 a new selectivity to adapt it to the latest educational reform ―consistent with LOMLOE or Llei Celaá― and to match the correctness criteria, basic characteristics and structure for all autonomous communities.
The deadlines will apply in 2024, but they will be closed for the June 23 elections.
The reform has not yet been applied for the 2023/2024 academic yearbut the Spanish Government is going to paralyze the processing of the decree at the end of May 2023, starting from the call forgeneral elections for 23-J. The ministry is going to hide behind the fact that the approval of the norm “would exceed the powers” of the execution in functions and could generate “confrontation with the autonomous administrations.”
After several years of modifications and adjustments, finally This June the Council of Ministers will approve the decree which regulates the admission requirements for undergraduate university education, the basic characteristics of the test and the admission procedures. This new regulation has eliminated the differences in the nomenclature: the entire State is free to refer to the exam as Prova d’Accés a la Universitat (PAU) ―com ja es deia a Catalunya― and no Avaluació del Batxillerat per a l’Accés a la Universitat (EBAU or EvAU).
What will you change here June?
For the first time in the history of the selectivitat, the new regulations explain that all the correctors and exam examiners of the State must follow certain rules. guidelines with common criteria and objectives of correction and qualification. Furthermore, as of the actual call (June 2025), spelling, grammar, cohesion and coherence will be more important when it comes to scoring. Segons will indicate the ministerial mateix in a communication, 10% of the grade for each question will depend on the writing of the student.
Another notable novelty is the removal of the two options. From now on, students will not be able to choose between different alternatives, since hi here is a unique exam model. This measure seeks to prevent students from not studying some topics in History or the History of Philosophy, for example, because they will not be able to discard them in the optional chapter.
The USTEC president criticizes this change, since it “forces the professor to teach all curricular material“, a tavern that he considers “impossible.” “Teaching everything implies less preparation and more depth and more stress on the part of the teachers and the students,” he says.
If you ask them, 70% of the exam score will be determined byobert or semiobert enunciationsThat is to say, the tests will be reduced and the students will have more space to spread out. In addition, they may have auxiliary material such as dictionary, chemistry textbooks or calculators.
#Uncertainty #pressure #classrooms #teachers #students #criticize #failure #temps #adapt #selectivitat