Yes ok Concord It never seemed like the lost jewel of 2024, surely no one thought it would fail so badly as to close its servers: ceasing to sell in just 15 days, becoming the title of the fastest death in the video game industry.
With all the discussion surrounding this failure, we thought about the 5 biggest lessons it leaves us with and what other studios should think twice before releasing their games.
Lessons from the Concord failure
Number 5 – Concord should not have entered an oversaturated market
Since he arrived Overwatch In 2016, there were already several games that tried to take its throne or at least imitate its gameplay to get a piece of the pie. Concord was intended to be one of them. Unfortunately, it came out at a time when you can’t turn anywhere without encountering an experience similar to Blizzard’s title. And some, against all odds, have managed to stay relevant. But how much room is there for hero shooters?
The worst part of all is that Concord was intended to arrive without anything completely new to offer. Outside of the next-gen graphics, it really had nothing going for it.. No story, no gameplay, no characters. So those who want to follow in their footsteps and enter a very saturated market, better start thinking about ways to differentiate themselves. It’s not just about doing what worked for someone else and calling it a day.
Number 4 – Charging for a game as a service is a terrible idea
A few years ago, games as a service seemed like a safe bet for developers. Not only could you make money from the sales of a copy, but also from constantly adding paid content.However, over the years, this type of experience has fallen out of favor with gamers and they are no longer purchased. You only have to look at the tremendous failures of Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones and Marvel’s Avengers.
It seems that Concord and PlayStation did not get this memo. Well, in 2024 and after seeing these failures, they decided to launch it at a cost of $40. While it’s not as expensive as other releases, who would want to pay that much for it?

The best path for games as a service is to go free to play, give users the chance to fall in love with it and then let them decide for themselves whether to invest or not. Asking players to pay for a nearly incomplete experience that’s also from a new studio and on a completely unknown IP is putting too much faith in miracles. We already saw that it didn’t work for them with the closure of Concord.
Number 3 – If you spend more than 5 years in development, you better not leave, Concord
Surely you have already heard that Concord had a development of 8 years. That is to say, when they started doing it, it still sounded like a very good idea to copy Overwatch and launch it as a game as a service. The video game industry and its consumers are constantly changing. What was popular and successful a few years ago is no longer viewed in the same way. This is why it is not so good to take so long to create a game.

We know that video game development can take a long time these days, but even the most anticipated ones take a maximum of 5 years. Taking more than that already paints a very unfavorable picture, if not, ask games like Duke Nukem and Skull and Bones. Perhaps the most surprising thing is that over these 8 years no one at the studio or even at PlayStation stopped to say: Is this investment really worth it?
Number 2 – Never get ahead of yourself
Obviously when you bring a product to market you want it to be successful and for people to want it no matter what. Even so, we believe that PlayStation had too much faith in Concord which in the end was not worth it. It seems that they expected it to be a big hit since they even made a special edition controller for it. Even some of their most anticipated titles don’t have a controller designed for them.
We also can’t forget that they made an episode in the Amazon series, Secret Level. This will present different stories inspired by famous video games and one of them will be about Concord. The bad thing is that the series comes out in December, by which time everyone will surely have forgotten about this game. They would have given the space to a true classic.

Low sales of Concord They will surely have a very negative impact on PlayStation. Now imagine how much they spent on the controller and the deals to create the episode. They should have waited for it to come out before investing in so many things.
Number 1 – Concord should have put a little more effort into creating your characters
Concord It doesn’t offer anything new in terms of gameplay and it wanted to enter a very saturated market. Surely your characters will be unforgettable and will make everyone want to play with them, right? We know that video games are not beauty contests and characters don’t need to be attractive. But they shouldn’t give us creatures that could cause nightmares either.
Not only is the character design downright ugly, it also feels unoriginal. In fact, since the first trailer on social media, negative comparisons with characters from Guardians of the Galaxy began.

Overwatch, for example, is full of characters that are even recognized by people who don’t play it. Concord doesn’t have a single one like that that inspires you to make it your main. Did they really want us to spend hours playing to unlock horrible character cosmetics? If the reward is not attractive, no player would go after it.
The huge failure of Concord will surely make PlayStation rethink the way it makes games in the future. Hopefully this is finally the necessary step for them to forget about their ambition of games as a service, otherwise they could have equally resounding failures or worse. What did you think of our top? What other factor do you think made this game do so poorly? Tell us in the comments!
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