‘To give light’ returns to the darkness of a drawer: bishops decide that their report on sexual abuse will no longer be public

The report ‘To give light’ It arose from one day to another to shade the audit on clerical pederasty in Spain that the bishops themselves commissioned the Cremades & Calvo Sotelo law firm, and for which the Episcopal Conference paid more than one million euros. A kind of alternative document to that bad independent investigation that the bishops decided not to publish because they did not agree with the result. They have now recognized that their own count on sexual abuse within the Church will also remain hidden. The CEE spokesman, César García Magán, admitted Thursday that, from now on, he will remain for “internal work” of the religious dioceses and congregations.

Specifically, the secretary general of the CEE stressed that the update of the aforementioned report “has already been presented in the permanent of September and in the November plenary, and there it was decided to serve the internal work of the diocesan and consecrated life commissions.” A decision that is made after several victims denounced the bishops before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection for a filtration of their privacy, which caused a break between victims associations and the Episcopal Conference. From now on, therefore, there will be no public information from the Spanish Church about the number of allegations of abuse.

Nor is it known if there will be regarding the process of compensation to those affected, provided for in the cacheding Plan Priva and of which, almost a year after its approval, nothing is known. In fact, several victims have denounced that the BremATION Commission created for this purpose is not responding to repair requests or that they have even received in response that the case was closed. “The work team has exercise autonomy, it is working, there are cases presented and are instructing files,” said the CEE spokesman, who admitted “not knowing” more of the subject, blaming him for the independence of the group.

“It has been the commission that has established scales that had as reference the cases of compensation produced by judicial judgment by civil judges and taking into account the law compared in our European context,” said García Magán, who surprised to point out that the dialogue with the Government about the compensation for those prescribed cases or in which the alleged abuser has died “they remain open.”

The truth is that, to date, there has been no advances in the common fund that should have been generated, and from which the Church denied in its day, considering that the government had nothing to say in an internal issue of the institution. Of course: “We want to assume a moral obligation,” said the episcopal spokesman.

Regarding conversion therapies, which have caused a complaint to seven diocese, as well as an unprecedented meeting between the Minister of Equality and the president of the Episcopal Conference, García Magán reiterated that they are against conversion therapies “, although he tried to explain that” we do not seem appropriate to exclusive affirmation “, referring to the psychological practices that are not” bidirectional ” the one that did not give intelligible explanations at the press conference. He clarified that “we must differentiate a spiritual accompaniment from a therapy.”

Finally, on the proposal to add progressively with the concerted school, the auxiliary bishop of Toledo said that “the current Spanish Constitution indicates as a fundamental right that freedom of teaching, the fundamental right of parents the type of guidance they want for their children.” “A democratic state has to encourage and facilitate the exercise of fundamental rights that are not funny concessions of Dad State,” he concluded.

All information in www.lligionndigital.org

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