After the excitement that the great Solar Eclipse brought with it, it is time to prepare for a new astral phenomenon in Mexico: the Pink Moon that will take place on April 23.
Now, the night sky of the northern hemisphere will light up with the first full moon of springan event that is popularly known as the “Pink Moon”, and that will be a spectacle worth enjoying in a big way
Although the name suggests a pink color on the satellite, in reality, This phenomenon does not change the color of the Moon; However, it is one of the most spectacular to photograph.
Name's origin
The The name “Pink Moon” comes from the Phlox subulata flower, which blooms in eastern North America. in early spring. This flower inspired Native Americans, who associated the full Moon in April with their natural cycles and attributed supernatural powers to this event that influenced their actions and agriculture.
In various cultures, such as India and Sri Lanka, it has been believed that The full Moon has a special influence on human activities. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these ancestral beliefs, which have endured over time as part of popular traditions.
How to see the Pink Moon
Witnessing the Pink Moon this 2024 does not require sophisticated equipment. It is an astronomical event that we can enjoy with the naked eye, although moving away from light pollution will favor better observation. It is recommended to have binoculars on hand for a more detailed experience, but they are not necessary to appreciate the phenomenon.
The Pink Moon marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and reminds us of the rebirth of nature and the cycle of life. It is a time to celebrate and enjoy the ephemeral beauty of this astronomical phenomenon that connects us with the universe and with our own essence as human beings.
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#Tips #April39s #amazing #Pink #Moon