A few months ago I put laziness aside and decided to get serious about going to the gym once and for all. Attending at least three or four days a week or training an area of the body in each session to let the muscles rest and grow were some of the resolutions I set and, to my surprise, I fulfilled them. However, I didn’t see results and, on many occasions, I ended up in pain. So I knew something wasn’t working.
When it comes to taking care of our bodies, Allowing yourself to be advised by a real professional is vitally important, despite the fact that many of us (as was my case) believe we are experts in the field after having read a lot of information on the Internet and social networks. So the next step was put myself in the hands of a personal trainer, Sergio Martínez Trillo (@sergio_martinez_trillo), who has more than 20 years of experience in the world of training and preparing high-level athletes and opponents.
Sergio is a national karate, triathlon and swimming coach; trainer and firefighter of the Air Force and performs some of the toughest tests in world cycling, such as the Titan Desert; so I knew I was in good hands, and The first thing I asked him for was an exercise routine to keep my abdomen strong and toned. which I had always dreamed of.
I will not deny that due to my genetics and physiognomy, it was quite easy for me to quickly notice good results with the routine he gave me. But today, coach Sergio Martínez Trillo He has given me three exercises to strengthen the abdominal area that always work for his clients.
What three exercises work well to strengthen the abs
“I do not mean by this that they are the best exercises, since we must adapt to the condition of each person, but those that can bring us the most benefits,” explains the coach at the beginning of his interview with Mujer.es.
- Bicycle crunch: a dynamic exercise that combines a pedaling movement with an abdominal crunch. Intensely work the rectus major and obliques by bringing the elbow towards the opposite knee, promoting coordination and resistance.
- Russian Twist: Sitting with your legs elevated or supported, you turn your torso from one side to the other. It can be performed with or without weight, which activates the obliques and improves core stability, controlling body rotations.
- Plank and side planks: an isometric exercise where the body is kept aligned supported by forearms or hands. Strengthens the rectus abdominis, transverse and obliques, offering complete core work without the need for movement.
What specific muscle groups are worked with each of these exercises
The personal trainer explains that in the bicycle crunch, it is mainly activated the rectus abdominis major, the obliques and the hip flexors. However, in the case of the Russian Twist, the work focuses on the internal and external obliques. “The obliques, along with the hip flexors, control and stabilize rotations,” details Martínez Trillo. He also says that keeping the body inclined at 45 degrees implies activation of the rectus major and, secondarily, the lumbar area.
On the other hand, the plank is an isometric exercise, which implies that there is no movement. So the athlete preparation expert emphasizes that “maintaining constant tension due to gravity activates the rectus abdominis, the transverse abdominis and the obliques”.
How often should you work to see results?
Sergio is firm with the idea that training must be adapted to each person. “Someone who is just starting out is not the same as someone with experience.” It is recommended start with plank blocks for 10 to 20 seconds and, as resistance improves, reach two minutes, accumulating a total of 10 minutes a day for three or four times a week. To obtain results, the trainer highlights that this work must be complemented with cardio, strength exercises and a balanced diet.
How many repetitions and how much time do you recommend spending on each exercise?
Rather than focusing on quantity, Martínez Trillo insists that “Quality is better than quantity, and within quality, consistency.” He says it’s better to do a little every day than do intense sessions from time to time. It is recommended to dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to abdominal exercises, combining different types. Still, we proposes this routine suitable for beginners:
- 20 seconds of Russian Twist
- 30 seconds of Planks
- 20 Second Bike Crunch
- 30 seconds Side planks (15 seconds per side)
- 30 second rest
- Repeat the block three more times for a total of four times
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