Unfortunately, The Mexican actress and television host Verónica Toussaint died at the age of 48, due to the breast cancer that she was diagnosed with in 2021.. This sad news was announced last night by journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva in his news program on Imagen Televisión. “We are learning news that hurts us a lot, it hurts me a lot, and I think that all of us who work at Imagen Televisión are informed that a few moments ago or at some point today (Thursday), very young, very very young, died after a long and hard battle, our dearest companion Verónica Toussaint died”.
It was in October 2021, breast cancer awareness month, when Verónica Toussaint announced in the Imagen Televisión program “Qué chulada” that she had been diagnosed with this disease.. “The month of October arrives, the pink month, the month that promotes the prevention of breast cancer, they remind us that we must examine ourselves, that we must have a mammogram, that we have to go to the doctor and that we must get checked, but no one prepare when they tell you: ‘you have cancer’, this time it was my turn, more than a month ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and today, I decide to share it here with you, in this forum with my ‘chuladas'”.
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Verónica Toussaint, winner of the Ariel Award in the category “Best female co-acting”, for her participation in the film “Polar Bear”, stated on that occasion that this process was very intense for her and for all the people who loved her, “but I trusted science and I trusted the treatments that I have been undergoing for a few weeks now, so that this period passes quickly and in the best way, From my trench I tell them: ‘please, get checked every month, go to the doctor’“This is not just a health campaign, it is a reality and much more common than we imagine, the percentage of people who have mammograms is unfortunately very low and timely arrest can save lives.”
Veronica Toussaint highlighted that The support of her friends and colleagues at Imagen Televisión made her fight against breast cancer brighter.“so it is very difficult to break this news, here live, in front of colleagues who also did not know the news, but for me it is very important that you know that what I am going through, I want to share so that it does not happen to you and that This has a solution if we detect it. Thank you and thank you all for giving me this energy and this light that I need.”
The news of The sudden death of Verónica Toussaint has shocked the artistic environment of Mexico; Several celebrities have expressed their feelings on social networks. “Have a good trip princess, thank you for making us laugh with your wonderful sense of humor and for giving us your talent and your magical smile, you left a lot of light on this plane. My condolences to your family and the people who loved you,” said Costa Rican actress Maribel Guard.
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