Eat Fruit and vegetable can favor improve digestive health and the intestinal transit. Vitamins, fiber and natural purifying that contain significantly improve digestion and even a diet rich in these foods could Prevent diseases or digestive complications.
Among the multiple foods that we can consume within the world of fruits and vegetables, there is a specific one that is crowned, by some nutritionists, such as the Best option to clean your system digestive naturally.
This healthy edible is The appleknown and consumed worldwide thanks to its accessibility and versatility. In addition to eliminating toxins and improving intestinal flora and transit thanks to pectin (a type of starch that is in the skin), the apple works as Prebioticso it acts as a nutrient for the microbiota of humans.
In addition, this type of fruit can prevent colon -related diseases, benefits constipation problems and reduces the risk of inflammatory difficulties Like colitis.
But it is not only a great help in digestive well -being, but, the soluble fiber that is not absorbed in the intestine and fructose that apples contain They improve sugar and blood cholesterol, ensure nutrition experts and
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