This is how the exams of the new Selectivity 2025 will be

After protests by thousands of students who demanded the Ebau (Selectivity) exam models, they have finally been published. The test will be carried out throughout Spain simultaneously on June 3, 4 and 5, 2025 in the ordinary call, and on July 1, 2 and 3 in the extraordinary call.

The students even went on strike and They took to the streets to demand that the criteria and examples of what the university entrance test will be like, which this year changes to adapt to the Lomloe, the new Education law.


The six public universities of Madrid This Thursday, October 17, they announced the new exam models. In total, 31 different models can be consulted, one for each subject, arranged alphabetically. These are the exams for the common subjects: Spanish Language and Literature, History of Spain and English.

The rest of the Communities have also made their model public. Here, a compilation with the different exams of the three subjects of the compulsory phase.


The Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training of Andalusia published its exam model on Mondaywhich corresponds to the same as that of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The Ministry has committed to sending the information through Seneca to all second year Baccalaureate teachers.


After approval by the PAU Organizing Commission, the coordinators of the University and the Ministry of Education have begun to meet with the teaching staff to present both the qualification guide and the exam model.


For now they have only published five exam models: Latin, English, German, Performing Arts and Cultural and Artistic Movements.


They were the first to publish their exam models. The Galician officials have designed a series of tests in which there are four mandatory questions, you cannot choose, although there will be optional answers within the questions. One of these four exercises has a competency focus, thus complying with what is proposed by the CRUE.

Basque Country

Basque public universities They have already published 20 modelsbut some are still missing, such as Language and English. The rector of the University of the Basque Country, Eva Ferreira, has assured that the new test “raises doubts” and, therefore, “it is key to have clear and reliable information.”

Castile-La Mancha

The Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Amador Pastor, assured that their models “unlike other autonomous communities, are agreed upon and are faithful to those planned for the month of June.”

Castile and León

In Castilla y León, a model as such has not yet been published, but rather they have uploaded some documents with the structure that the tests will have.


All the models, as well as the minutes of the faculty meetings in which they have been agreed, are now available on the universities’ platform. There are more than 130 files distributed among the 32 subjects.


Asturias makes it clear that the models are provisional with red text that runs through the entire document.

Some Communities have not yet facilitated the exams. Canary Islands and Estremadura They assure that at the end of the month They will be published. On the website of the University of Rioja They appear “pending publication”, although they assure that they will be available starting this week. Navarre You must submit your proposals to the organizing committee before October 21. As for the Valencian Communitythe regional secretary of Universities, Esther Gómez, has stated that the tests will be ready the week of October 21 to 25. Aragon and Balearics They do not have a confirmed date, but they will follow the criteria agreed with the rest of the Autonomous Communities.

#exams #Selectivity

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