Macross It is a franchise anime that saw the light of day in the 80s and arrived in our region as one of the three parts of Robotech that he built at the time Carl Macek. In Japan, this had several continuations, spin-offs and other productions, however, they could not be brought to North America due to various licensing problems.
As such Macross It had a good number of video games which in Japan came to have their respective fame, serving a very specific niche. The only way to play them was by importing them, having them pirated or emulating them because they did not reach North America for different reasons.
Now, after so long, fans in the West will finally have a Macross game with Macross Shooting Insight which will be available in our region on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles.
Until a long time ago it was impossible to think that this title would reach our region given that it is a very niche title and designed for the Japanese public, however, now it will become a reality.
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Anime games have never been lacking, but not all of them are good
If the arrival of the Macross Shooting Insight game sounds like great news, it is worth noting that in reality, few anime games stand out or are moderately entertaining.
We know that Bandai Namco always does its job when it comes to anime games, because it has its licenses and takes advantage of them. But other franchises don't even leave Japan and then they stay floating there.
Now, that they bring us this title, it means that an effort is being made to reach other markets.
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