Earth could become a single supercontinent within 450,000 million years. This shows a user of Reddit who has decided to share A map in which the union of all continents is shown and where Spain, above all, would have much more surface than today.
It might seem a joke, but the truth is that during the millions of years of existence of the planet tectonic plates They have been making their magic causing deep changesso it would not be the first time that all known continents join in one. According to some of the users of this website, these changes could lead to “the Atlantic opening slows down and finally invests”; to “the plates continue in their current path and the Pacific closes”; to “both the Atlantic and the Pacific continue to be closed with Asia dividing west of India and with the formation of a new ocean”; or that “all the earth’s mass except Antarctica moves north.”
But do these theories have reliability? Experts believe that, throughout the 4,500 million history that the earth has, the plates have joined, fragmenting and getting together again in the Supercontinents Vaalbará, Ur, Kenorland, Columbia (also known as Nuna or Hudsonia), Rodinia, Pannotia and Pangea. Although there are differences of opinions about the exact forms and the time that these continents lasted.
Pangea, the last supercontinent formed, was established in the last continental union about 335 million years ago and existed until it began to separate 175 or 200 million years ago, gradually giving rise to the current land map that we know so well. But The supercontinental cycle is still underway.
PANGEA nearby
Theorists who bet on this type of cycle defend that every 400 or 500 million years all masses of land emerged They joinforming a supercontinent, through an almost periodic aggregation and dispersion process of the earth’s continental cortex. It is said that a complete cycle of a hard supercontinent of 300 to 500 million years. This process, which could lead to the shared map on the aforementioned website, has even been baptized by a scientist.
American geologist Christopher Scotese already decided to be called PANGEA Last and subsequently renamed it as PANGEA nearbyAlthough there are those who refer to him with names such as Neopangea or Pangea II, always in reference to the predecessor supercontinent.
According to the new map, Most of the terrestrial mass will joinalthough they would be in the condition of islands places like New Zealand, some areas of Russia, such as Chukotka, and Scotland. In the center of the Supercontinent there would be the renowned Indian Ocean as a Pacific Sea. The Atlantic Ocean would be like a mere lake and change its status to sea, while next to Mexico a lake would appear with the name of the country.
Spain, meanwhile, would be north of allsurrounded by Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and France, and would surprisingly enlarged its size. Next to the Peninsula, in addition, there would be the Mediterranean lakes, which would correspond to the Mediterranean Sea.
In the next video You can see what continental evolution would be like in the next 250 million years to shape PANgea near other theorists.
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